Quest For A Positive, Personal,
And Contemplative Spirituality
YouTube link: https://yout`
Nothing within our existence is stationary;
unchanging or static; rather, it is like a
spring torrent – rushing uncontained,
forming, then shifting, becoming again,
zestful, unhampered, or directed by what
was or what should be: and, so it is, with
each moment of life, appearing robust
then in pieces shattered, only to be restored,
formed, captured, and forgotten as swiftly
as it is generated profoundly once more;
and in this, with this torrent, we seek
to slow the pace, find a meaning, a common
thread, holding on for dear life, wishing for
stasis, when none exists, until, with reflection
and careful meditation, our pursuit of order
and control gives way to giving in, releasing,
an allowing, and we understand our place
in the motion and being of this torrent;
one not separate; contained; not impacted by –
we, the momentum rather than the moved.
NOE BY G. 4.20.2016
On this crisp, cool, sunny Wednesday, April 28thmorning, it is 6:35 AM, and I am running seriously late, rushing to get out of the house to catch the 7:00 AM Amtrak train. I have twenty minutes to drive to the parking lot and walk the block or so to the train station. I have spent longer than expected writing Ann’s usual note this morning because I wanted to put a more positive spin on my back surgery scheduled in two days on Friday. At the end of the message, I write a few lines for Ann about how much I love her, thanking her for all she has done for me.
When I finished, I read over the note and thought it sounded like Wayne Dyer wrote it on quaaludes - while in reality, inside, I am truly scared to death. I am terrified, I know Ann is terrified, so I want to ensure the note reminds us that we are not in this alone, underscoring the need to be positive, envisioning only successful outcomes. I make a copy of the note below so I can take it with me to hopefully convince my frightened ego, which only imagines enormous pain, a seven-hour surgery, and imminent death.
At the core of all positive life is faith and belief -
believing in affirmative outcomes -
the friendliness of God and the universe
to ensure only perfect results manifest –
having faith in God and yourself,
let us create these
outcomes through cocreation
and positive thoughts.
Today, move to the core of your thinking and
replace all fears with affirmations
of healing, of strength,
and of a full life.
Today, boldly envision the outcome you prefer
and focus on aligning all thoughts and
the emotion behind this desired
result and vision.
Today, let us both know that we create all good
through our thoughts and
stay positive! NOE BY G.
Unlike other mornings I have included in the book, I am driving myself to the train today so Ann, still sleeping, can ensure Gracie, our three-month-old Cavanese puppy, makes it outside and does not go in the house. We have had Gracie for over a month, and although she is the cutest dog I have ever seen - a real live boutique dog mix of a King Charles Cavalier and a Havanese – bred for looks, playability, lovability, the absence of shedding, and of course, compact size.
Despite her tiny size, we have realized Gracie is an alpha female not afraid to keep much larger dogs, like Zephyr, our Collie, three times her size, in line. When you look at Gracie’s sad eyes, cute button nose, and golden curls, she melts your heart and all resistance. Ann decided she wanted a smaller, more lovable second dog that was easy to pick up and pet. Ann would show me how Zephyr stepped back when she hugged him around the neck. Zephyr was bred to resist being restrained, so his affection was not always fulfilling from Ann’s perspective. Conversely, Gracie loves affection - the more, the better – so Gracie fits the need.
Let's go back to the train story. So, after a semi-frantic eight-minute drive to the Fredericksburg Municipal Parking Lot, I am walking to the station. The walk is challenging because my congenital spinal stenosis hit my lower lumbar spine. As a result, I cannot walk, standing fully erect without discomfort. It turns out I also have loose vertebrae. The MRI of my spine revealed how my already congenitally thin spinal cord was being choked off, causing my legs to go numb after a few minutes of standing. Since February, when these symptoms manifested, my ability to walk has been on par with an eighty-year-old.
My surgeon, who you may remember, saved me in 2007 from paralysis and inserted a titanium plate in my neck. I looked at my MRI, chuckling loudly and noting I had the back of a man in his late eighties. As he looked at the MRI, my surgeon bantered on, reminding me I had ended up paralyzed by avoiding surgery with my neck and, “anyway” - since, in reality, I had little or no quality of life - I should schedule the surgery, noting that, “anyway,” what did I have to lose? He looked me in the eyes and said, “this time, if you wait, I might not be able to reverse it by surgery.”
Frankly, I could not believe I would be forced back into an operating room after Pituitary brain surgery. This time, I hoped my surgeon could pull another rabbit out of his miracle hat, decompress my Lumbar spine from L2 through L5, insert cadaver bones, and hold it all in place with screws and titanium plates. All this without severing my already thin spinal cord. Successful recovery would take up to six months if all went well. My chances of holding onto my job in DC would be like pulling a rabbit out of a hat.
So, with a new dog and surgery on my mind, I am walking beneath the train station, and I hear the rumble of the train on the tracks overhead. After looking at my watch, I realize I have only two minutes to catch this train. The Fredericksburg station train platform is up one story, so you can move through an underpass at ground level to reach the tracks via ramps or steps on either side. There are only two tracks at the Fredericksburg station - Track 2 and Track 3 with the whereabouts of Track 1 still a great mystery.
I am in the underpass to Track 3, so as I watch, the crowd is all moving in my direction with rolling luggage in hand, and I follow, but as we all hit the stairs leading up to Track 3, others are coming down the stairs from Track 3 breathing hard and panting - “it is on Track 2.” In an instant, the entire crowd reverses direction like a Marx Brothers routine, heading back underneath the tracks towards the steps going up to Track 2 – halfway up the steps to Track 2, someone yells, “wrong train,” and the herd turns again and moves towards the Track 3 steps. I see my friends Ron and Lynn, but we can only smile, laugh, and roll our eyes in the rush. Finally, we are on the right track; there is a train, and we all get on board.
As I board, it hits me this may be my final day of commuting to DC on the train. If so, with all the track confusion, at least it has a proper comedic ending, strangely exemplifying my life for the past years as I moved between my secular and very different spiritual ambitions. Perhaps, in the end, God was tired of waiting for my book and may have finally decided for me. I return to the last car on the train to meditate and connect with God. I need God’s advice this morning, but this car is full of what looks like a capacity crowd.
I notice my train friend Dan, a former Amtrak engineer who now works in Public Relations as an Amtrak photographer, asleep in his seat. This is just another commute for him, but for me, this ride represents the possible end of years of commuting close to five hours a day, most on a train like this. A commute where I found God and my life was changed forever. On this train, I was instructed to record my meditation notes and write a book. Train cars have become my library, classroom, pilgrimage, and place of miracles. I smile at the nostalgia, find an open seat, sit down to do my reading, and meditate. I wrote down the following guidance I received this day in April on my final commute.
Stay strong! Stay powerful! Stay affirmative! Stay
positive and know your vision with God’s hand will
bring you to total health, revitalization, and rejuvenation.
Envision a fast recovery, healing, and recuperation –
see your Doctor sit in wonder and self-pride as you
quickly get up and walk – balanced – sure-footed and
capable of a full life.
Marvel at the painless nature of your healing – how
you feel full of energy and are ready to move forward
in a short time. Know that God has always had a plan
for you, this opens up your ability to succeed, making
your dreams realities – enabling you to present to the
world a vibrant, healthy Soul fixed by the grace of God
and modern medicine.
Let all your fears and negative thoughts be cleared
away, replaced by affirmative power-based thoughts
full of positive outcomes – success and wonders to
behold. This is your chance to clear away the damage
of the old life without God and show the vitality of
a new life with God.
All is well; all is as it should be. Know God is with you
at all times, so live – enjoy – celebrate the possibilities –
the chance to spread the story and celebrate life! NOE BY G.
Of course, being a baby boomer, my mental soundtrack is cued, and suddenly, I am immersed in Journey’s inspiring and beautiful iconic rock anthem, Don’t Stop Believin, on with the book and the blog.
Our normal waking consciousness, rational consciousness
as we call it, is but one special type of consciousness while
all about it, parted from it by the filmiest of screens, there lie
potential forms of consciousness entirely different. No account
of the universe in its totality can be final, which leaves these
other forms of consciousness quite disregarded.
William James - Lectures XVI - Mysticism
It is worth pausing momentarily and restating our original objectives - mine as the author and yours as the reader. I will start. Based on my actual and ongoing quest, I wanted to share my experiences, the message I received, and the path I have pursued in seeking a “positive,” personal spirituality. Most importantly, I wanted to encourage those who felt so inclined to stretch for a personal connection with God, to listen for God’s guidance, and, hopefully, to share this with all of us in the future.
Along the way, I have structured and organized the message of the Finding God On The Train Story, which, as I received, I felt urged to convey on the blog and include in the book. En route, hoping to ascertain whether a set of usable spiritual tools or templates existed that we all might adapt to accelerate and enliven our efforts, the Crystal Path framework unfolded, finding form as I drafted Chapter Six. In truth, much of the message I received and have communicated in the book reverberates the guidance of the great mystical traditions through the ages. I have worked to lay this out so it is functional and useable in today’s world.
Likewise, reflecting on the compassion and kindness of the tone of the message received on the train, I have felt personally compelled to move the spirituality I present in the book away from the characterization of a harsh, uncaring God who seems overly concerned with retribution rather than transformation: stepping clearly beyond the painful fixation on sin – original or self-created, evil, and guilt. I have also attempted to tie in and validate the positive spiritual message with the latest metaphysical, empirical, and scientific-based approaches offered by the current contributions in psychology, physics, biology, philosophy, and theology. In Part Four – God Consciousness And The Divinity Within, I want to present a fuller exploration of these realms as I offer my theoretical hypothesis for a more robust and healthier Divinity.
As a representative of all the readers who are, have or will be reading Finding God On The Train Story – The Book, I sincerely hope you find what you need to assist with your spiritual quest. I realize that my approach - offering this guidance without encouraging readers that this is “the way,” the only way - leads to some personal confusion: basically, how is the reader to approach all of this material that is, as a guide, as a formal approach, dogma or doctrine, or maybe, like a manual. Now, here is where I will add to the confusion and tell you I believe it is all of the above, some of the above, depending on the needs of the particular reader/seeker. The more I read it, the more it reminds me of one of those Sufi tales that can be read on multiple levels. To be honest with you, I am still working to answer this question for myself.
OK, so let’s get back to work. We have spent considerable time discussing and preparing how we might control the negative aspects of our incredibly expansive spiritual and secular consciousness. Yet, before reaching within to grasp the very divinity harnessed within our Souls, I feel compelled to outline and define, in greater depth, the God of my message, a God of consciousness rather than matter. To do this, I will need to retrace my steps, providing some additional clarification by recalling a few related blog posts.
Years ago, I was hooked on a Friday night television show, Joan of Arcadia, about a small-town family whose teenage daughter, Joan, is visited by God in various human personas and provided with much-needed life guidance. (This indicates what I did on Friday nights and what my subconscious mind was focused on then.) Eric Brazilian wrote the theme song from the show and is co-founder of a rock/folk group, The Hooters, for Joan Osborne, whose album Relish sold over three million because of this song. One Of Us has been covered by many artists. The bold lyrics ask: What if God was one of us?
If God had a name, what would it be?
And would you call it to his face?
If you were faced with Him in all His glory
What would you ask if you had just one question?
And yeah, yeah, God is great
Yeah, yeah, God is good
And yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
What if God was one of us?
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Tryin' to make his way home?
If God had a face, what would it look like?
And would you want to see if seeing meant
That you would have to believe in things like heaven
And in Jesus and the saints, and all the prophets?
And yeah, yeah, God is great
Yeah, yeah, God is good
And yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
What if God was one of us?
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Tryin' to make his way home?
Just' to make his way home
Like a holy rolling stone
Back up to heaven all alone
Just tryin' to make his way home
Nobody callin' on the phone
'Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome.
I would go one dramatic step further and rephrase the question: What if God was all of us? Yes, you, me, even the crazy guy on the seat next to you on the train – what if we were all God in an infinite number of personas, all trying to make our way home? What then?
Although the traditional concept of God as a living entity in human-like form would fit more traditional theological models, this notion often keeps many from conceiving God as a viable force in their lives. My purpose is not to sway anyone’s belief but to offer an alternative approach to those needing a fresh perspective of God. I want to expand on this concept of consciousness of God introduced briefly in Chapter Eight and Chapter Ten, fully outlining its impact on the world and our lives.
As I have mentioned, science and religion are converging on this God aspect of consciousness from unique vantage points. I plan to include both perspectives along with the guidance I received on the train. In his book Quarks, Chaos, & Christianity, John Polkinghorne, knighted Physicist, Anglican priest, former President of Queens’s College, Cambridge, and Professor of Mathematical Physics at Cambridge University, gives us this quote about science as compared to the religious perspective of the universe:
I believe science and religion are intellectual cousins under
the skin. Both searching for motivated belief. Neither can claim
absolutely certain knowledge, for each must base its conclusions
on an interplay between interpretation and experience.
And so it is with each of us as we continue our spiritual pursuit of knowing God. Starting at this macro level, I will move on to how this manifests on our conscious level. Let’s review what has already been presented so far. All Aboard!
The message outlined in Chapter Five – The Foundation pointed us to a “Unified Universal Force” consisting of the creative energy of all life and matter – a unified force of all universal life, forming connections made one by the love of God. As we are instructed in the meditation guidance I have received, this Unified Universal Force is explained as follows:
- All existence is connected through a “conscious connection” at the core of all life in our universe - from the smallest particle of matter to the full life of human form.
- All sentient life is conscious of its existence, exerting a unique “will” over the outcome and impact of its environment.
- All living matter is consciously connected and aware of its existence and its impact on and from others.
- All consciousness is connected, and this connection allows for the communication between all matter with a vibrational connection flowing through this connected consciousness - through this Universal God-Consciousness.
In Chapter Ten, our focus was Mind Control - The Control Of Consciousness, where we explored both Personal and Universal Consciousness. An excellent definition for "Personal/Individual Consciousness" was offered – “the totality of one’s thought, feelings and impressions - conscious mind." We discussed that the spirituality of enlightenment is all about consciousness - with the Individual Consciousness connecting and interfacing with a Universal Consciousness. The message conveyed that even a small particle of consciousness is the total consciousness of God, an essential cell of God-Consciousness forming and manifesting the world into cocreated life.
We discussed that the New Thought world, over the past two hundred years, has coined a variety of phrases in an attempt to label this Universal Consciousness, the best-known terms being Universal Mind, Divine Mind, Infinite Mind, Infinite Intelligence, Creative Mind, Over-Soul, and God-Consciousness. We acknowledged that the scientific community, urged on by the research of Quantum Physics and the realities of medical science, has begun to address the possibility of a Universal or Nonlocal Mind. Dr. Henry Margenau, a distinguished Yale University Professor of Physics and Natural Philosophy, proposed “perhaps every entity in the world." Margenau went on to postulate the following:
If my conclusions are correct, each individual is part of
God or part of the Universal Mind. I use the phrase
“part of” with hesitation, recalling its looseness and
inapplicability even in recent physics. Perhaps a better
way to put the matter is to say that each of us in
the Universal Mind is inflicted with limitations that obscure
a tiny fraction of its aspects and properties.
I want to expand on this concept of God as consciousness; the message, outlined in Chapter Six of PART ONE – The Crystal Path, points us to a “Unified Universal Force,” consisting of the "creative energy" of all life and matter – a unified force of all universal life and form, connected and made one, through the love of God. At this juncture, our Creative God creates the Precision of existence, as outlined in the notes below.
We are part and parcel of an evolving, creative
God-Consciousness, thrusting existence beyond
its apparent constraints in an intersection with
the greater good, the greater being, the greater
presence - fuller and more vital than the proceeding
moments – more vibrant and prepared to thrive.
Our creative God nature is the fabric and
the infrastructure of our very vibrancy, our
aliveness, offering us an approach to ongoing
and frequent evolution, encouraging us, prodding
us, and at times, hurling us forward into an orbit
of success - producing quantum leaps of growth
and being.
It is our responsibility to perceive and coalesce
with God’s infinite vision of growth to assist
and never hamper this energy of creation,
one with and not at odds with our possibility,
our flowering potential – contributing to the
momentum, enlivening the action, fostering
the evolution and exultation of all.
NOE BY G. 6.10.2018
There is a precision to this life that is beyond
human comprehension – an intricacy, a measured
design, a blueprint based on magnificence,
in splendor, in the Divine.
Reflect on this precision today, its coordination,
its system, its flow; imagining the power,
the intelligence capable of setting life in motion
and mobilizing it daily, energizing its unfolding,
recreating its eternal, infinite propulsion.
With awe, contemplate this precision,
stretching awareness to encompass the whole
vision of an intricate oneness, an infinite number
of vibrant living particles into a solitary, connected
entity, an orchestrated wonder, a purposeful
being, realizing the true nature of this, your
NOE BY G. 3.8.2018
With the writing of the Finding God On The Train Story, I have journeyed through the spiritual landscape, offering my personal experience while working all along to relate it to New Thought and the mystical wisdom studies proffered through the ages. But our next stop is not for the faint of heart or the occasional sojourner in the spiritual realm. As I have presented in several earlier posts, we proposed that within you, me, each of us, even the not-so-good of us, is our own internal Divinity - or Soul that reflects our God nature, our potential, and our power. This may be a reasonable proposal for many, but for others, this may be anathema and blasphemy. I say this in case anyone needs to detrain before it gets hotter.
As I turn my sights on Chapters Thirteen and Fourteen, focused on God-Consciousness and the Divinity Within, where I go through a creative process, opening myself up to Divine guidance as I dive into all I have ever read, thought, written, or published on the subject. Usually, this immersion process allows for my total consciousness, including - what I am aware of and what I am unaware of - to ruminate, sift for clues and connections, sort of chew on the cud of possibilities in the hope of discovering a new way of viewing or theorizing on what may be happening.
I, of course, meditate and pray on the subject in hopes of receiving added guidance or clarification on what I have already received. The Meditation Guidance below reflects a recently transcribed response when I asked for help understanding this topic, hoping to reveal a fresh perspective. The guidance opens with what might be considered an excellent approach for pursuing any creative activity, where we are encouraged to stay focused on clues and insights. But again, I am brought back to Heisenberg's Quantum concept of "Potentia" that I discussed in earlier posts, where infinite possibilities exist, waiting for the collapse of conscious focus.
I may not be ready, as of yet, to espouse a new theory regarding internal Divinity. Still, I am coming closer to understanding our real Divine potential related to our personal and God-consciousness: if we were amenable to accepting it and harnessing its power. I am still looking at the possibilities and am open to any clues you might want to offer.
Open yourself to the possibilities that surround you,
be observant at this time for clues, for insights that
will spark your thinking and send you on a creative
direction. Allow this wisdom to move through you,
as you determine the next step.
Don’t be afraid to explore and add your opinions
and directions to the unfolding work. Peer inside
deeply, and you may see the connection between
the action and tangible creation. Indeed, all of this
leads to your own God nature – your own unique
Divinity and how it connects to all that exists
Do not underestimate the power of the mind and
this connection is a tool for progress, creation, forming
your vision into a reality. Possibly, all existence is but
a thought in consciousness waiting to be realized –
focused on and brought to life.
Possibly, there are infinite possibilities at each moment
existing in potential, waiting for the collapsing of conscious
focus. Search for the underpinnings, the order, the method
God uses to create with us – create your theory and
possibly provide new insight into cocreation.
NOE BY G. 1.13.2012 7:08 AM
At the center of much religious thinking is the concept of God/world dualism, where God is separate, exerting influence on the world through what is known as downward causation. Those who have been reading my book as it unfolds on the blog realize that I follow the view that God and humankind are intertwined in a co-conspiracy of action and creation, with humankind the active agent of God on earth - through active living, thus, expanding the potential and depth of creative consciousness.
At the individual human level, I believe our consciousness is hardwired with what I call the Divine Mind - our Divine nature or Soul, which acts as our creative conduit to connect and cocreate with God or Universal Consciousness.
As noted in the title of the Meditation Guidance below, this Blended Awareness is sparked by individual intention, as each person creates via their desires. As the first line of the guidance below reveals, each of us powers and originates this creative process through our intention. In other words, we spark the desire and team with God in its cocreation, resulting in the appropriate manifested tangible form. What is being expressed here is, quite possibly, that our interaction with God is conducted via upward causation rather than downward.
Our inception powers us – the infusion of our intention
with God-consciousness - replayed over and over within
our consciousness until it flowers – erupting in a bloom
of creation, expressing the union of our true God
Consider this thought – as a particle of God-consciousness,
you hold the key to universal possibility – potential – merely
by becoming an expression of your God nature – refusing
to allow thoughts of separation to dissuade you and throw
you, off course.
Let every action be connected, enabling your Divine nature
and your form existence to walk in unison, becoming
the vibrational harmony of two consciousnesses being
experienced together.
Push your Ego and your operational mind to cooperate -
watch as the magic begins – igniting your world and positively
impacting all existence through your song – the blended
voices of two awareness are returning to the vibration of one.
NOE BY G. 7.8. 2011 10:15 AM
In truth, I believe we each have our concept of God, a concept we hold true or viable, and no one has a right to determine or undermine this view. As I have mentioned often throughout this book, there are as many concepts of God as there are Souls who believe in and desire to form a personal relationship with God.
History has shown us that forcing our God on others only leads to turmoil. I want to make it clear that I understand that the portrayal of God as consciousness, for some, is a radical concept, yet it is, in fact, at the very center of the message I have received on the train, and I am called on to convey. Although the traditional concept of God as a living entity in human-like form would fit more traditional theological models, this notion often keeps many from conceiving God as a viable force in their lives.
My purpose is not to sway anyone’s belief but to offer an alternative approach to those who may need a fresh perspective of God. I contend that if we thoroughly understand this Universal God Consciousness concept, we can easily distinguish our consciousness and be on a firmer footing for exploring our Divinity – thus accomplishing the needed Soul searching to establish our authentic, purposeful life mission.
This “Unified Universal Force” connects all existence within God, providing a “conscious connection” at the core of all life existing in our universe - from the smallest particle of matter to the full life of human form – all life that is conscious of existence, exerting its will over the outcome, thus impacting all - the totality - through its individual actions. Based on this “conscious connection:” all matter is connected; aware of its existence; and its impact on and by other matter – which, as a result, enables the communication between all matter. A vibrational connection flows through this connected consciousness - through this Universal Consciousness. (As I write this, it actually occurs to me that this might be an apt description for what some consider to be the Holy Spirit).
I would like to present a few blog posts from the FGOTT archives that add further credence and perspective to this Universal Consciousness focus.
The focus of the message of the Finding God On The Train Story is that we and God interact through a shared consciousness. As a result, as the note below conveys, it is a “logical” outgrowth of this conceptual framework that we share a combined existence, teamed to make the most of our endeavors and our lives. This, of course, is facilitated, and the benefits of co-existence are maximized when we actually buy into this framework.
Likewise, this notion is built on the premise that every living being has an inner Divine nature and connection; and even with flat-out negation, this Divine connection cannot be turned off or severed. Thus, the opportunity for this inner Divinity to assist, even the totally lost, with reclaiming their redemption.
We believe in combined being and uniquely positioned to cocreate our lives of joy, peace, love, and happiness with God – heaven on earth. Others will benefit from God’s close proximity and ability to assist when plausible.
The lasting partnership of total oneness asks for only acceptance,
a willingness to be one with the enveloping consciousness of eternal
spirit, open to its flow, its push and pull, of complete awareness.
This consciousness incubates and fosters the individually perceived
awareness, seen by most as distinct and separate. Spirit is with you,
as the air you breathe is with you; dislocation or separation is untenable,
impossible; yet many conjure a distance between the created and
the creative force of all.
Understand that Spirit, the infinite awareness, through the Soul,
provides the framework for a lasting partnership of combined being,
able to live and be a united unfolding presence, open to engendering
form from well-intentioned thought; to partner in the cocreative
wonder of living, being, and becoming.
NOE BY G. 10.1.2014 10:00 AM
Ye who search of God, of God, pursue.
Ye need not search for God is you is you!
Why seek ye something that was missing
ne’er? Save you none is, but you are –
where, oh, where?
Jalal ad-Din Rumi (1207-1273)
Poet and Founder of the Mawlawi Sufi Order
The desire to separate humankind from God, and all sentient life for that matter, becomes more difficult as we explore the spiritual concept of God as an expanding consciousness. Although the quote from an early translation of Rumi above demonstrates what has been a popular esoteric mystical opinion - God and we are one – the exoteric religious authorities have, for the most part, considered this to be anathema, heretical, and often severely punished.
This may be the reason why I usually sit on this type of guidance. Usually, I would rather not offend the sensibilities of those who cannot fathom or discuss this close union of the Divine and humankind. Just so happens that Ann, my wife, is firmly in this group.
Yet, most of my spiritual work has been finding and redefining a less supernatural, more user-friendly God that might fit within our modern perspective. I believe the note below proposes just such a conceptual framework.
We and God are intertwined.
We and God are intermingled.
A shared consciousness, where our consciousness
exists within the limitless consciousness of God,
stretching the space of all conscious existence –
we and God are one, God within, God without –
together, we and God – the creator of all form
(which exists as an extension of our joint
consciousness) are intertwined.
Form is simply and totally a representation
of the creative thought of consciousness, and
as such, has no innate power. Always in matters
of form, we must return to the originator and
the origination of our sense experience –
creative conscious thought.
Let us fully comprehend and grasp this
the essential truth of comingled consciousness;
sharing the combined power of truly dual
conscious existence, expanding our
consciousness and revealing the truth of
all existence, one presence shared. Seek
the point of origin in meditation, reflection,
and prayer.
Understand it is only through our personal
conscious connection with the world of form
that God can impact, interact with, or experience
the world of form. As God is a vehicle of our
expanded consciousness, we, you, me all
sentient life is a conduit for God to form
consciousness, for mutual, total, integrated
existence. Each sentient being is a conscious
receptor of and within tangible existence.
(If we do not open ourselves up to this God
connection, God cannot fully enter our world
except through grace).
NOE BY G. 7.12.2013 10:00 AM
As we grow, the illumination of our spirit burns
brighter as we move towards the realization of
our true identity – the full illumination of God in us.
This state of spiritual consciousness guided by our own Divinity is the portal to full transcendence to our personal and communal heaven on earth – with its joy, peace, love, and happiness – known as spiritual enlightenment. Understanding the essence of our Divine connection and how to use it to our benefit requires that we travel within. So now, with our mind chatter, egos, fears, worries, and doubts in at least partial check, we need to venture deeper into our conscious and subconscious minds to comprehend our Soul, our Divinity, and authentic self, and its connection with Universal God-Consciousness.
It is time for us to connect with our Heartlight and explode into being - brilliant, radiant, truly Divine Soul on earth by taking the seed of our God-given greatness, as the Affirmative Thought below conveys, and blooming into our magnificence. The message I wish to share in this chapter is that you are this seed of greatness, ready to unfold and live your uniqueness, your one-of-a-kind essence on earth. It is not you becoming God but God and all of existence becoming more through your life force. Let us not hide our light but celebrate it as we learn to grasp our Divine power and create our heaven on earth. It is time for all of us to bloom.
Like a seed, our God granted greatness
waits to crack through the shell of
our consciousness, touch the fertile
earth and with full vision grow gently
to our unfolding splendor.
Today let us choose to break through
our cracking seed and encourage
the sprouts of our potential to push
the earth away and grow in the warm
light of a new day – to bask in its
opportunity – to be drenched in
the quenching flow of the blooming
of fresh life.
All existence waits for this moment
to celebrate the flowering of our
perfection - to marvel at the sheer
magic of our magnificence, to wonder
at the origins of our unique beauty.
AT BY G. 4.5.2012
The message that has been conveyed to me is clear – we are each on a spiritual journey, both individual and solitary, in search and pursuit of our own Divinity – our Divine Self - our true God nature – with the goal of awakening to our authentic spiritual purpose - our “calling or mission” that is the spiritual reason for our existence. Once revealed, we will find ourselves compelled to return to our lives and complete the calling as we have ascertained during these times of deep Soul-searching contemplation.
Each life we encounter along the way is also involved in this becoming - whether realized or unaware. A record number of seekers are now poised and ready to allow this journey to unfold within themselves – ready to meet their Divinity within, deep within, and allow it to push them towards the fresh breath of new life – maneuvering their Souls through the illusion, the fears, the doubts, the ego dreams – and even at times – resuscitating the Divine within them, pounding on their chests until a heartbeat appears and a gasp of consciousness is surrendered. For some, like me, it will be a long journey, possibly taking a lifetime to understand what is needed to do to awaken.
The Divine within us waits for our arrival, for our awareness to catch–up, to wake up to our true essence and potential. We are the existence of God made manifest in physical form – always with us - always waiting for us to discover the full potential of our Divine essence. The journey we need to take and master is the journey within - allowing us to connect with our God nature and the Universal Consciousness of God. God is not out there somewhere but inside of us through connected consciousness – for how would an omnipresent God not be present as an essential part of every sentient life form?
As a leading-edge God presence, we must understand, nurture, and inspire this force for the world's creative, constructive, and pure good. To move through the portal of consciousness and discover the enormous and infinite possibilities for this life we have chosen to inhabit and live. It reflects this God force in the world – but by tapping into this Soul or spiritual center, we will uncover and discover our authentic purpose and be able to move in the direction of full cocreation with God and manifest it into our lives.
I have outlined in detail in Part Three, Mind Control - Control Of Consciousness, which directs us to three components of our conscious mind: the Operational Mind - our day-to-day mind; the Spiritual or Divine Mind - our Soul and internal Divinity; and the ego - which attempts to ensure our personal gratification and survival. However, as we covered, we must fully comprehend that although the ego appears to be the center of our strength, there is truly only one authentic self, which is a part of our Spiritual Mind and manifested in our Crystal or Divine self. The meditation Guidance below elaborates on this connection.
There is only one self – the Divine self - the authentic self –
connected to God – of God - programmed to evolve into
the true purpose of our life here on earth – our life in
physical form. Within the seed of this self is all we need
to flower into our unique soul's true essence and beauty,
fulfilling our Divine purpose.
This authentic self is revealed when we move beyond
the pleasure of our senses, the separation of our ego
and move to the place of perfect peace, awake to the
true Divinity of all existence. A place beyond reward,
success or failure, punishment or pain – to a plane
of perfect peace and oneness within and without.
Residing in the authentic self, we master the material
world and evolve into the spiritual world – we awake
and see the truth of this life – that only one life exists –
a life within God. As we approach our authentic Divine
nature, our egos will resist – bathe them in love – wrap
them in a blanket to help them evolve and enlighten.
There is only one God and oneself –
the self alive in God – the authentic self.
NOE BY G. 11.12.2010 9:20 AM
For some, this may be a startling realization that we are so innately tethered to God. And if this is true, many would question how this is possible, a point we will spend most of the next chapter explaining. But let’s start with the Meditation Guidance below, titled The Mirrored Soul, which indicates that our authentic self exists, fully formed within God-consciousness, working to guide us towards the full realization of our potential. If this is accurate, it is plausible that we come into this world with a "soul mission" or "calling" that we must in some way ascertain and somehow reflect through living.
Within God-Consciousness resides the Divine image of you
reflected and conceived in perfect oneness – the Divine you,
the concept of you in full potential, the God you, the final
and complete design of you – the sincere Soul of pure God
identity, the blueprint, the model, the destination of an
authentic, purposeful being.
Your Divinity – your God-self – your Atman resides in the
total and Universal Consciousness of God – fully aware
of the past, actively working with you in the present,
knowledgeable of the potential and possibilities resulting
from present choice points.
This Divine reflection has and will always exist and is
ever-present and active in your life, moving you through
your separation and limited perspective, your ego desires,
and indoctrination towards a connection with the true
potential of your existence. You move toward and connect
with your Divine image – your reflection of the perfect life –
your God nature through prayer and deep meditation –
through envisioning, dreaming, and clairvoyance.
Work to connect with and be guided by your Divine-based
self within God-Consciousness, knowing this is the road
to enlightenment – true heaven on earth.
NOE BY G. 2.23.2012 9:24 AM
Since we come into this life with no understanding of where or how we should proceed spiritually, it takes a great deal of compassionate work from this Crystal or Divine Self to guide our often out-of-control lives. I feel the patience and compassion of this inner self are reflected in the poem below titled Someone Waiting, which started this introduction to this book. I read this poem daily during my spiritual practice, so I will never forget this tender, gentle presence created from divine will.
All along, there has been someone
waiting for you in the clearing
of your heart – a tender, gentle
presence created from Divine will –
the essence of you – the universal
you – the perfect you just waiting
for you to finally arrive.
All along this, you has waited for
you to find your way, cut your
path through the challenges of life –
watching you live in desperate search
of love, of home, of happiness - alone –
never fully able to reach out and
pull you into oneness.
Today take a moment to reflect on the
you who waits – stop and look within –
say hello to this you – spend a
moment before you go on your way! BY G.
I am republishing two blog posts that will assist us in deciphering and uncovering the Divinity within us to ascertain its purpose and potential.
The Meditation Guidance below, titled Human Evolution, directs our attention to the evolution of our spiritual or Divine mind as humankind, especially during periods of awakening, making a conscious effort to solidify this divine connection and, as a result, hastens the evolution of humankind from the current ego focus to a spiritual or God focus. This is what the Kabbalists, the Jewish Mystics, refer to as "Godding" - where we strive to take on the perceived qualities of God. It has been proposed that this Godding is truly the next evolutionary stage of humankind.
I would like to spend some time exploring this concept that the next evolutionary stage of humankind is the spiritual expansion of human consciousness - which would, if successful, allow for the survival of the species and, quite possibly, the world. Is this, by chance, God's principal motivation for reaching out to inspire this global spiritual change? Would genetic spiritual transcendence allow us to survive our ego-based potential for self-destruction and annihilation? Are we who support this movement towards the spiritual awakening involved in fueling this spiritual and physiological evolution of humankind?
The Divinity within us exists in personal consciousness as
a component of the Spiritual Mind or Divine Self and will
be the focal point for humankind’s continued evolution
beyond the existing ego focus - leading to the true
acceptance of the next level of existence – the establishment
of our God nature.
This step in evolution will occur on a personal collective
level as each Soul learns to overcome or marshal the ego
forces that create evil, injustice, pain, and suffering
of the current world – thus allowing the Spiritual Mind
to team with the Operational Mind and reframe the
conscious focus by gaining ego support in this spiritual
purpose going forward.
As this occurs on a personal consciousness level with
more significant numbers - the collective or God-Consciousness
is also altered and joins in to support this evolutionary
spiritual growth. Through this evolutionary step towards
the “Godding” of humankind, all existence on earth is
reframed as the spiritual or personal mind is linked to
God's mind for the creation of heaven on earth.
A new ethic is born, a new morality engaged, a vital
vision of hope, peace, love, and happiness grasped forever.
NOE BY G. 1.19.2012 7:10 AM
As we have discussed, what if humankind is still in the process of evolution where the focus is no longer on physical development but instead is centered on the refinement and improvement of our level of personal consciousness? Taking this a step further, what if our next evolutionary step is a movement towards overcoming our ego dominance and attaining what some would call God-like qualities - such as love, kindness, compassion, a collective sense of oneness, and empathy along with the powers to cocreate freely our lives through conscious intention supported by our own access to our Divine natures? In other words, we evolve into our true God nature.
The Meditation Guidance below, titled True God Qualities, addresses this potential - clearly outlining the rationale for this evolutionary step and highlighting what qualities we might expect to encounter. This concept has been addressed by others, as noted by the work of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - a Jesuit Father and distinguished paleontologist. Over sixty years ago, he addressed this theory in his landmark work, The Phenomenon Of Man. My guidance seems to echo the same sentiments. Is it plausible? Is this where the current spiritual awakening is leading us? I believe this is the case. Your thoughts?
We are here to assume our true God qualities and powers by
overcoming our propensity for negative thoughts, neglect,
hopelessness, and evil by marshaling our Divine wills towards
more remarkable achievements, authentic living, peak spiritual
experience, and our connection with God – refueling our potential
to live beyond the illusion of material pleasure and grasp the greater
good of collective consciousness.
We are here to transcend - to transform beyond our infantile
focus on the acquisition of pleasure and the avoidance of pain –
to reach a pinnacle of human excellence and evolution, ensuring
our God powers and qualities are recognized and grasped by
those who wish to go on growing, becoming, and moving towards
their authentic natures.
We are here to create heaven on earth - not hell as it appears
many are engaged in today – our conscious focus as a collective
humankind in this heaven allows us to move forward, grow,
and assume our true birthright – our authentic God nature
of power – cooperation – and love in balance - all supported by
positive, purposeful action.
Although many have careened in the opposite direction,
a growing number of those who have grasped this message
and are moving in this Divine direction – working hard
to prepare themselves consciously for the catharsis
of heaven-focused living.
NOE BY G. 1.15.2012 7:50 AM
In Chapter Eleven, we have discussed the tools needed to take this journey within and fully comprehend our Divine self, such as mindfulness, meditation, contemplative prayer, radical acceptance, and envisioning. The Meditation Guidance below emphasizes the frequent use of meditation and keeping a journal of our spiritual experience – daily practicing until we can exist within, without thought, and explore God-Consciousness directly.
Unleash the God power of your Soul - within exists the power
to move with Universal Consciousness and to push through
the external world connected – a force of unfathomable strength,
compassion, and creativity – a God force beyond conception –
a living spirit of God's force in the world.
Touch this God force through deep meditation, exploring
the workings of your local consciousness as you move within
the portal of total consciousness - connecting with the infinite
Souls existing – the endless gateway to all existence – connect
with the creative power to envision and bring form to a universe
of your design.
Move within through meditation three times daily until you can
exist without thought. There are many levels of heightened
internal awareness – take the journey and find within your
indwelling God – your God center waiting to be cracked open -
revealed and fully lived.
See the images of the Souls within – the infinite Soul spirits –
commune with them, seek advice and allow them to assist
in your efforts. Take notes – journal your becoming –
experiment – test and see the realities of God's power today.
NOE BY G. 9.28.2011 7:10 AM
As the meditation guidance offers, we must do the work needed to clear the way for our Divine self to be uncovered, including forgiving ourselves and others, letting go of our shame and guilt, and confronting our real or imagined demons. When we do this work, guidance can speak to us and lead the way forward to the magnificence that waits within us, the firework of our authentic, purposeful self. The following Affirmative Thought expresses this sentiment.
Within us is a miracle waiting to happen –
to burst forth and surprise us – forcing
us to see a new vision of our lives, our connection
with God and the potential value of all we have to offer.
Within us is a miracle so powerful and potent
we are often afraid to unwrap it – to disturb its
restful state because we know it will bring
about a transformation so profound we will
be forced to re-conceive our lives and start
again, like an infant learning to master the
art of walking.
Within us is a miracle existing just beneath
the surface of our awareness, which bobs
up to pierce the surface – blinding us momentarily
then submerging beneath to wait for another
opportunity to reveal the truth.
AT BY G. 10.24.2011
Looking directly into your fears, worries, and doubts takes courage because often teamed with these sentiments is the deep well-spring of what I call “the unforgiven” – a collection of self-considered atrocities, mistakes, or missteps that your ego, or selfplex, has learned to use to bring you to your knees when you stray too far from central control. So take some time and make a thorough list or inventory of every issue that comes to mind now or when you are most vulnerable and would benefit from self-forgiveness. To avoid the guilt, shame, or remorse card from being waged against your effort, you must have completed this self-forgiveness work outlined in the meditation guidance below.
Forgive yourself for not being perfect – for not doing, saying, acting,
or thinking as you think you should - or as the controller in your
mind wishes you to behave.
Forgive yourself for all the mistakes you have made in the past –
all of the missteps – the wrong directions - all the blunders
that appear today to be so clear and avoidable.
Forgive yourself for all the pain you have caused yourself and
others – the pain you have caused your children – and free
yourself of the guilt and turmoil.
Forgive yourself for the missed opportunities - for the poor
choices - for the things you have done, if better thought
out, you would not have done.
Forgive yourself for any evil that you think you may have
created or caused - and free yourself from the anguish
of these deeds.
Forgive yourself as God has forgiven you - knowing each step
was essential for your growth and understanding.
Forgive yourself and love yourself again – knowing you have
done your best and always had the best of intentions in mind.
Forgive yourself and release all the pain, guilt, and anguish
now and forever.
Now, breathe the fresh breath of a clear Soul.
NOE BY G. 7.2.2010 8:55 AM
As we discussed, affirmations are positive statements announcing to God – the universal mind – and to your subconscious mind how you view the world and what you expect to occur during the day or in your life. It is a powerful way to use the Law of Mind Action or Attraction to frame your reality and set positive expectations.
It is essential to have a handful of effective affirmations to use when combating fear, worry, and doubt when they manifest in your consciousness, often at your least guarded moments. Many of the affirmative thoughts I have already offered in the chapter are helpful in this effort, including the following,
“I am fully aware of every choice and
choose to make only positive,
uplifting, and loving choices.”
“Get behind me fear - for I walk with God
who knows no fear - and with God’s strength
and love I will overcome.“
“With God’s help, I will
overcome any outcome.”
"With God, I have the power to overcome all
obstacles and create a peaceful, fearless life."
“ I have, do, and will always succeed,
my success is guaranteed with God’s help." (ALL By G.)
I wrote the affirmation below as a self-reminder of my inner Divine resources, which, when teamed with the pure power of belief, provide a personal shield from the effects of fear, worry, and doubt.
No fear, worry, or doubt can impede my progress for
I am shielded and protected by the pure power of
triumphant belief in my inner Divine resources,
living and breathing through me and with me,
propelling me safely forward and beyond, instilling
my every cell with amazing strength, fortitude,
and inspiration. BY G.
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