Quest For A Positive, Personal,
And Contemplative Spirituality
Space, infinite, unbounded, exists within the Soul.
This is the center of God’s grace!
Watch the abundant sky of the Universe within -
reflecting, mirroring the Universe without.
Connect tightly to the core space
and venture only to the Crystal Heart.
Here, you will find the portal at the
Crystal Light – the path to awakening.
You must prepare to receive
the full bounty of God’s glory.
You are not yet ready to unleash
the full state of grace –
the Crystal Heart.
The day is coming – prepare.
With Chapter Five, I begin Part Two – The Message of the Finding God On The Train Story, moving into the very heart of the guidance I have received from God on those long commutes to my job in Washington, DC. I will attempt to not only unveil and unravel these key concepts - the Crystal Path, the Heartlight, and the God I have met on the train but describe how all of this arrived in my life. I have Joshua Radin’s song Brand New Day, from his CD - Simple Times, playing on my iPhone, with Joshua almost whispering as if praying these Whitman like lyrics to his enchanting melody:
Some kind of magic happens late at night
when the moon smiles down at me and bathes me in its light.
I fell asleep beneath you in the tall blades of grass
when I awoke the world was new I never had to ask.
It’s a brand new day, the sun is shining.
It’s a brand new day, for the first time
in a long, long time, I know I’ll be ok.
Official video for “Brand New Day (Live from the Village)” by Joshua Radin
Buy Live from the Village on iTunes:
Listen on Spotify:
It has truly been “some kind of magic,” this journey, and the “still small voice” that has whispered this message to me, first in poems like Crystal Consciousness, listed above, and then in greater depth during my sessions of prayer and meditation. All are pointing my Soul to what I would know as the Crystal Path, the Heartlight, and Universal Consciousness. Therefore, I believe it is time for me to do what I was asked to do and share “the message,” as outlined in this Meditation Guidance below, titled Messenger, which I received on Wednesday, November 19, 2008, at 7:35 AM on an Amtrak train moving its way to Washington, DC.
After a few years of self-debate, I have accepted my role as a messenger with this book and the blog, representing my significant effort towards disseminating this information. Along with publishing the unedited meditation notes, affirmative thoughts, poems, and related blog posts, I will be doing my share of explanation and interpretation, as you will pick up when you read the chapters that follow, contrary to the guidance outlined below - such is the impact of free will.
In all of this, you will be a messenger. Your role is
to carry the message to those who are seeking the way,
the path to spiritual fulfillment. Simply take the notes
and offer them to those who seek, who wait for the word.
Do not alter the notes - simply write and transcribe
and pass the pure thought to those who wish to listen.
The message does not require explanation or interpretation –
just dissemination. The waiting will understand the words,
the guidance, and prepare the way.
You will need to record the message in physical form and
transmit it to the world. Transmit the clear and untampered
word - let the message receiver read and comprehend.
It is time to compile the message and transmit it.
NOE BY G. 11.18.2008 7:35 AM
In all of this, I believe I am one of the countless messengers translating and sharing the Divinely inspired message they have received—only a drop of water in an enormous spiritual wave that is forming and will change the consciousness and evolution of humankind forever. As I have documented in previous chapters, many are currently carrying the message forward, with others being prepared to deliver a similar message. I am grateful to be a part of this awakening.
Let’s trace my steps to accomplishing my mission so far. In May of 2009, while recovering from the removal of my Pituitary Tumor, I began to write the Finding God On The Train Story, and in August of 2009, with Ann’s prompting, I created my blog and began publishing chapters of the book. In February of 2010, again with Ann’s guidance, I began making New Thought Notes For The Day, and my readership expanded. Blog readers enjoyed the book chapters that were being posted - often revised and edited by me in real-time - but were also attracted to the affirmative thoughts, poems, prayers, and tales of my spiritual journey posted on a more frequent basis.
Joel S. Goldsmith, author of the spiritual classic The Infinite Way and one of the great New Thought spiritual pioneers and healers of the 20th century, clearly outlines below that we are all able to connect with God.
As we learn to listen to the “still small voice,”
The Spirit of God opens our consciousness….
This spiritual food is never rationed to those
who learn to meet with God within the temple
of their being.
I contend that receiving Divine inspiration from God, although interpreted by some as madness, is truly possible for all of us if we will listen. Why I am a messenger, fraDnkly, I still have no clear idea – except, maybe it fell to me because I was willing to listen and transcribe without my ego getting in the way, or I had somehow set this in motion that Sunday morning in January of 2007, when half-paralyzed and facing spinal surgery, I asked for a chance to do what I had left undone spiritually.
I believe that finding a job a few weeks later, which involved a long train commute, resulted in my finding God on the train, creating the blog, and writing this book you are now reading - was no coincidence. I also believe I have some of the verbal and writing skills needed to handle the assignment, and I was confident enough to convince myself, Ann, and the readers of my blog at least, that I was not completely crazy and was able to continue with the project. Or, maybe I am just foolhardy enough not to be worried about the potential for negative reactions and feedback from those who will be positive I am dead wrong, demented, or at least in need of immediate salvation – or all of the above.
If you were to ask Ann, she would tell you I have been desperately searching for God all my life, and finally, after countless years and misdirection, I stumbled on the way to connect with God, and God finally, in God’s mercy, responded. When I was a child, my mother would tell me, and others who would listen, that I was suffering from “Divine Discontent.” I guess it has continued throughout my life. More important, though, is the “Message” itself, and whether or not what is conveyed is of any use in our modern world, or is the message just my personalized guidance, and as such, does not apply in a generic sense.
Honestly, each communication I received during prayer and meditation had about a one-day shelf life for me. It came in the morning, directly impacting my day, but by the next day, the new guidance would appear, and I would move on. I used these messages as daily guides for moving forward spiritually, enabling me to handle my life issues at the time. Frankly, there was such a plethora of spiritual guidance being received that I was often overwhelmed by the quantity and variety.
Now that I have had the time to study what I have written, including the poems, prayers, and affirmative thoughts, I believe the message is the same: God - Source, Spirit, the Universe, Infinite Intelligence, the Tao, or whatever term we feel is appropriate - has been communicating for centuries, and will continue to share until we listen and learn: that is, a message of Enlightenment. But before we explore the details of the message, let us take a moment to understand the origin and foundation of the message.
Let us start by exploring the cornerstones of this message – The Crystal Path and The Heartlight - to provide some needed perspective on the meditation guidance to follow. Sometimes, it is not just what is said - but how and when it is said that makes for an impactful message. This certainly was the case with my introduction to the Crystal Path and the Heartlight – leaving no way I could miss the point.
It is worth traveling back to a gray and overcast New Year’s Eve morning, the last day of 2007, to retrace these steps. The year 2007 had been a fantastic year for me; I had spinal surgery in January, read The Secret in February, started a new job in Washington, DC in April, learned to meditate in May, found Unity - a New Thought Church, in July, and started to connect with God on my long train commutes in November and December. The following account was published on my blog at the time.
It was New Year’s Eve morning, 2007, and I was attending a group meditation sponsored by Unity Church, which tied into an international World Prayer/Meditation Event for Peace, with people from all over the world participating simultaneously, or at least the same day. Ann and I got up early so we could get there at 7 AM - the coordinated start time for the event. Since we were running late, we agreed to eat after the event, which was to last about 45 minutes. As I walked out the door, I remembered and took my blood pressure medicine.
The room used for the meditation was too small, with twenty of us packed into a space that could comfortably fit about ten. In true Unity tradition, this would be a guided meditation with our pastor, Rev. C, doing the guiding while music played in the background. First, I worked to shake off my general feeling of claustrophobia. Rev. C, a master of guided meditation, quickly put me into a deep meditative state.
We started by visualizing the earth from outer space, moving in on the planet until we saw our country, region, state, and town. I am not usually good at visualizing, but I could see every detail in clear color, starting in outer space and slowly moving toward Earth as if in a slow-moving space vehicle planning to land. For me, it was amazing and somewhat frightening at the same time.
As I came down to the local frame, I could see thousands of figures, like black shadows, moving through a black and white landscape, with each figure connected with a white beam of light from their chests, connected to the being closest to them. At this level, there were no identities, just vibrational shadows connected by light beams. I was overcome with a sense of joy and pure peace. Afterward, I would describe to those who asked about the experience that I saw these shadows connected by lights from their hearts. This was my first experience with what my meditative guidance would, in the future, refer to as “the Heartlight.”
I moved in closer and found myself being projected into various locations worldwide, all amazingly vivid as if I was observing the scene, standing right next to the people in the vision. My first stop was on a mountaintop that looked like it could be in Afghanistan, as I joined a group of bearded men in robes who were nestled around a large machine gun aimed at the valley below. They were talking and laughing as the light of dawn peeked above the horizon. I knew they were soldiers ready to do battle for what they believed to be a worthy cause.
Then, I felt myself traveling to the next stop, which was a dirty street poorly illuminated by broken street lamps. Later, I would think it looked like a street scene in Brazil, especially given the chaotic crowd of children and teenagers – some shoeless – others just ragged and worn out as they searched through large trash bins. Again, I felt as if I was there with them, but they could not see me.
The speed of my experiences quickened as I moved around the world, with a stop in a plush palace where I listened while a general told a commanding figure who looked like a president or leader that there was no way to avoid a war. As I moved quicker, I started to feel nauseous and opened my eyes, trying to muster the energy to leave the room but being sucked back into the movement.
After some time, I heard my name being called through the distance, and I started to fight to regain consciousness. As my eyes opened – Ann was facing Rev. C, holding her hands and crying. Someone standing near me was trying to find my pulse. It was a Physician Assistant, who was a member of the church and, in relief, shouted, "my God, I feel a pulse."
When I regained full consciousness, I was told that a few of my fellow meditators, including Ann, had heard me take a strange gasp of air, and I had seemed to stop breathing. Ann fell on her knees as they tried to revive me and began to pray with Rev. C for me to come back to life. Others called for the emergency squad. Ann and many of the others admitted that they thought I had died during the meditation. The emergency squad took my blood pressure, and it was so low that they transported me to the hospital. I was released about three hours later when I stabilized.
So, what happened? As I mentioned, some of the participants in the room firmly contended, including Ann, that I had died and been revived. To this day, Ann feels fear when she meditates with me. A few in the room thought I had experienced Astral Projection, also including Ann, after she heard the whole journey, reasoning that I had left my body to travel the world, only to return to full life when finished. My doctor, a meditation expert, said it is a common occurrence for blood pressure to drop 15 to 20 points during intense meditation. In his opinion, the deep meditation, combined with my taking blood pressure medicine on an empty stomach, drastically lowered my pressure, and I lost consciousness. He does agree this could be fatal if my pressure was already low when I started the meditation.
I am not sure what happened, but I will never forget the Heartlight experience and my journey around the world. A few days later, I was riding on the train to work and struggling with meditating, as I often did initially, when I received my first meditative guidance. Soon after, received the direction to write a book titled Notes On Enlightenment. Nothing has been the same since.
For the first few days of 2008—still recovering from my New Year’s Eve Unity world peace meditation session, during which I lost consciousness—I had a phrase stuck in an endless loop in my mind: “Follow the Crystal Path, Follow The Crystal Path.” However, it would not be until Thursday, January 17, 2008, that "Follow The Crystal Path” would be explained in one of my first meditation notes received on the train.
You ask the way, and I say you are the way, the light, and
the Crystal Path to the new world – paradise, freedom,
elation, and joy. The way is in your Soul; your Soul is connected
and formed in Spirit. There is only simple joy from simple
action. The journey is not complicated or mysterious; it is
only profound because the pursuit of the way is profound.
It is the mission of the Spirit that you seek, and it can only
be found in life, this life. Inside each moment of “now”
exists the full extent of joy – the way is in the moment
where God lives. God does not live in a place but instead,
in the eternal, lasting vibration of pure joy, love, sincerity,
and being.
Search not in the fields but within your heart – the heart
of your Soul. In each breath, there is life, hope, and the
creation of forwarding movement – the Divine in being
is all present, all-knowing, and never wavers from
a course of love.
You struggle because you want to be something,
someone extraordinary, elite, profound, and in this struggle
you lose the way, and you are like a deaf child pounding
on the piano keys – wondering why there is no sound.
No sound from life because you do not appreciate that
the day-to-day activities are but a vehicle for learning
the way – not the way. When you pass to the next plane,
you will not be known for your title, wealth, or even
your accomplishments. Instead, the authenticity –
of who you evolved into, what you created in your Spirit,
will determine your worth if worth matters.
You are here to experience the joy and pleasure
of waking, walking, and creating. A vehicle of pleasure
existing to grow and evolve into a being of evolved Spirit.
Leave the focus that the physical rewards that the ego
will fulfill you; it has not for many years. It is only through
finding the Spirit that you connect to the Source and
realize “everlasting joy.”
The way is in front of you, surrounds you, and you swim
in it like a thick soup of fetal protection – it oozes in and
out of you. You move through the thick Spirit – as does
everyone, every day – protection in the pre-birth state
waiting for birth. This time, the womb of joy is pleasurable
but holds no measure to the infinite joy of light that waits
when you find the peace of the lasting connection with God.
God surrounds you, envelops you, and moves through
every pore. You search for what already exists, but you
are unable to see it. Stop looking – start feeling. It is all here –
the Divine heaven of eternal joy – you walk and live in it,
but you cannot see the Heartlight – the Heartlight
connects all beings through love. See the Heartlight, and
you will see the connection. Search for the Heartlight and
follow the path.
NOE BY G. 1.17.2008 7:15 AM
As you can see, the New Year was starting with a bang. I was stunned when I received this Meditation Guidance. I had fought with myself as I was transcribing the message, which is one of the longest I would ever receive, wanting badly to rephrase and reword, but I resisted. I would have sought immediate therapy if I had not been involved with a church that encouraged this type of connection, like Unity,
I just kept reading the note and saying, "My God what does this mean? I had many questions - who or what was talking? – God or my demented ego? What is the Crystal Path? And most importantly - what did it mean for my life? So I did not tell Ann or anyone else for a few months but decided, then and there, to just go for the ride with God and see what would happen. What I did glean from this meditation is bulleted below, because each concept is central to the message going forward.
- The Crystal Path takes us to a new world - paradise,
freedom, elation, and joy.
- Our Soul connected with God is the way, and we
will be guided along the path.
- God lives in the eternal, lasting vibration of pure joy,
love, and sincerity.
- We lose our way because we want to be someone
remarkable, elite, and profound.
- On the next plane, only our authenticity - who
we have evolved into and what we have created -
will matter.
- We are here to experience the joy and pleasure
of an evolved spirit.
- Infinite joy awaits when we find peace
of a lasting connection with God.
This meditation guidance also left me wondering why the word “crystal” was being used and what its significance was. Of course, crystals are not new to the spiritual world, where crystals have been used for healing and other purposes. Along with the “Singing Bowl,” which is a crystal bowl vibrating a healing tone, there are also chakra-balancing crystals, grounding crystals, energy crystals, meditation crystals, and even manifesting crystals.
A quick visit to Google filled in the scientific details. Crystals could be formed in a few minutes or take millions of years to develop. A crystal, or a crystalline solid, is a material whose constituent atoms, molecules, or ions are arranged in an orderly repeating pattern extending in all three spatial dimensions. The unique aspect of the crystal is that it grows based on an orderly, preordained plan, which is unique to the individual crystal. The crystal can keep growing or remain dormant for thousands of years and then grow again. The crystal is also quite hard, conducts electricity, and refracts light.
Coincidentally, early radios used a crystal radio receiver for transmission, called a “crystal set,” made up of a crystalline mineral such as galena, now called a diode. This crystal receiver needed no battery or power source and ran on the power received from the radio waves over a long antenna. This is strangely similar to the role of the “Crystal Soul” in the transmission to infinite intelligence and the power of God outlined in the meditation guidance below.
I continued to wonder about and meditate on what the “crystal” referred to until I finally received the following guidance, defining the crystal as the Divine Self, or the Soul, transmitting to infinite intelligence. Maybe the Crystal Self works just like the Crystal Set?
The Crystal is the Divine Self – the Divine Soul within you
that is connected to the Infinite Intelligence and the power
of God. It is your Soul - like a Crystal – hard and durable –
capable of growing and becoming more. Through the Crystal,
all light passes, becoming more, unfolding into a spectrum
of a full life.
The Crystal of the Divine Self has always existed and will
always exist and is the essence of your Soul spiritually
evolving and becoming. The reason for your existence is
to rediscover this Crystal, follow its path, and become one
with your Divine Self/Soul and begin to grow again, drawing
strength and power from your connection with the Infinite
Source, Spirit – God.
Cherish the Crystal and follow the path back to your true
consciousness – unreflected, unexpected by the ego –
constantly forming and reforming to scare away and
deal with the threats of the world.
The path to Enlightenment is the Crystal Path – the path
to the Divine You.
NOE BY G. 1.17.2008 7:15 AM
So the “Crystal” of the Crystal Path is your Divine Self - your genuine Soul evolving and fully connecting with God – resulting in full God-Consciousness - Enlightenment. This Crystal Path – this path, or road, or journey to Enlightenment, is through the Soul – the Divine Self – and this Crystal Soul knows what it needs to do spiritually to be both “genuine” and “authentic," reconnecting with God. However, it may have remained dormant for many years, as mine did. When this is accomplished, the Crystal Soul becomes the Enlightened Soul and truly finds heaven on earth.
Mind control is at the heart of each message I have received on the train, focusing on controlling negative thoughts and overcoming fear, worry, and negative emotions. Unfortunately, the meditation notes above were also the first to introduce the "Ego," considered the most significant obstacle we all face in reaching this destination. The Crystal Self note above reinforces the need for all of us to manage or handle our egos, keeping them from doing what they often do best - Edging God Out. We will review the guidance offered on how to harness the ego and redirect its often-neurotic power in Part Three - of this blog book – focusing on mind control and the control of consciousness.
As encountered in my New Year’s Eve meditation, I believe we may all be connected by the Heartlight - connected with a white beam of light that comes from our chests and links to the person closest to us. This Heartlight is what makes us both finite while at the same time attached to the infinite or universal. However, only one spiritual teacher, that I am aware of who has directly referred to the Heartlight: that is, Dr. Zhi Gang Sha, a Physician and soul communicator who wrote the book, Soul Wisdom. In his Soul Wisdom video, he speaks at length about seeing his patients with lights coming from their hearts and being connected to heaven.
The concept of a light connecting every heart has been a recurring theme of my train meditations: a connecting spiritual force joining us all together as one. The meditative guidance listed below was received on the train on March 8, 2008, in response to my questions regarding the nature of the Heartlight.
The Heartlight is the portal to the Divine consciousness
and the Godhead that you seek. The light is the beacon
of the Soul transmitting the radiant energy and the true
vibration of all life force - connecting between Soul and
Soul – all Souls connected and one with the light.
The center of the Heartlight is the heart area of your
chest. You have seen the second view – the view of the
light as it connects. This is where infinite connection
and the oneness of the Soul transmits to all creation.
When you connect with this portal, you move to the single
consciousness, the one entity, and the light of all creation.
This is the plane of full consciousness, and once connected,
you may visit with any life form and experience their
You are fooled by your form state, your physical ego striving.
You have lost touch with the Heartlight and are seeking the
headlight – this path is one of hopelessness and loss, moving
instead of into the ego.
Follow the Heartlight – search for the Heartlight not only
in prayer and meditation but with every interaction within
your life. The Heartlight is there – you must see it to
touch your Divinity.
You have seen it once, you know what it looks like – search –
strive – seek – be aware - abandon the ego and you will find
everlasting life and the kingdom of heaven on earth.
NOE G. 3.8.2008 8:45 AM
This meditation guidance was received over two months after my New Year’s Eve experience, outlined in the opening section of this chapter. However, the memory of the shadowy figures with lights connecting their hearts was and still is etched in my memory. The guidance goes on to clarify that I had witnessed “the second view,” where the infinite connection and the oneness of the Soul transmit to all creation – and what is being transmitted - is radiant energy and the true vibration of all life force.
At the time, I remember shaking my head, wondering where this was all leading, and having the distinct impression I was entering the realm of science fiction. But as I was being instructed, I was also being admonished for losing touch with the Heartlight that I did not fully understand or really knew existed due to my ego focus. I was told that if I abandoned my ego, I would find everlasting life and experience heaven on earth. Yet, with this message, my New Year’s Eve experience began to take on a new sort of mystical meaning, appearing to have occurred to enable me to actually experience what would be referenced as the Heartlight in these later messages.
A whole year after receiving this guidance regarding the Heartlight, I returned to this message, realizing I was being told that the Heartlight is our connection to all life and Divine Consciousness. So I began to put the pieces together - using a computing analogy, the Crystal Soul would be our spiritual Mac Book Pro or PC, while the Heartlight would be our FIOS or Cable infrastructure, connecting our Soul to the Spiritual Internet – Infinite Intelligence – Universal Consciousness – God.
I would like to close this Heartlight discussion with an inspired poem I recorded, which further describes the Heartlight.
Feel the clear and perfect moment, fresh and full, aware
from meditation. At peace, refreshed through spirit –
how do I reveal God in me? Where is the center
of internal Divinity? In the vibration passing through
the Heartlight – connected Souls – strung together
on a leash of light.
The power of all creation is revealed as the connected
consciousness of all living presence. At the moment
understand, as the essence of Spirit moves through you,
surrounds you in eternal light and vibration, flowing
through the spaces of your cells.
We, you, me, all move through the substance of God
energy, the vibration of creative God force, we breathe
the breath of God into our lungs to fuel our beings.
Breathe in God!
The Heartlight is the portal of all human connection –
move to your heart center and see the connection –
mentally move through – from the mind to the heart
and through the portal of a connected life.
We are one energy connected by the Heartlight!
POEM BY G. 6.28.2008
I would like to open this section with a poem that offers us an analogy or metaphor to describe God, which might help us understand God as more than a concept, giving life to the Spirit. In my poem below, Fabric of God, Spirit is the strong thread holding together life.
Move through this life transcended – awake and alive
beyond the consciousness of the physical–material world.
Comprehend the depth of the Spirit holding together
this moment is like a strong thread.
The fabric is textured and full of manifested and
preconceived desires. Look deeply at the fabric of life –
the beauty and craftsmanship of all the forces creating
this moment.
The fabric of now was sewn with a million manifestations –
interrelated – conjoined by mutual desire.
Live this moment – understand the creative energy
required to bring you this order – this into being.
Wrap yourself in the fabric – focus on the threads
of integrated life creation.
Rejoice in the opportunity to be a participant in this creation.
This is the fabric of God – constantly evolving – changing –
reforming and becoming more.
POEM BY G. 8.8.2008
We each carry a vision of God in our minds and our hearts; this God is real and personal to us - alive in our consciousness. In my opinion, there are as many interpretations of God as there are those who believe in God. As we all try to peer into the unknown, we attempt to describe what we have experienced or wish to experience. For example, my wife Ann believes in the traditional concept of God as a father figure who is located up in heaven. Ann is not alone and is joined by millions, if not billions, of other traditional believers.
Before outlining “the message” I have received during my meditations with God, I need to introduce you to the God I have met on the train. For some of you, this God will be like a breath of fresh air in the stale room of life, but for others, this God may not fit the preconceived notions of your religious beliefs or spiritual training. I am not saying that my concept of God is the ultimate or the only appropriate vision of God or that it is “the truth.” Your interpretation of God does not have to agree with mine, or mine with yours, for us to travel together on this spiritual journey. I would only suggest, if possible, reading the related meditation notes and forming your own conclusion on whether our views of God are similar or different and whether it matters.
I would like to introduce the God of my commute in a series of “perspectives,” that I believe are being conveyed from my meditation guidance. From time to time, God responds to my questions about God’s nature or clarifies a point requiring God to be further revealed. By the word “perspective,” I am using Webster's definition – “a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.” Since God is, in fact, beyond our comprehension, the best we can accomplish is to have a point of view. I would like to introduce six perspectives based on my guidance.
All the meditation guidance I am using for this section, or notes, as I often refer to them, was received through prayer and meditation, as outlined in Chapter Four—Connecting With God On The Train. So, let’s see what God has to say about God. I would like to start with the following meditation note, titled One God, which was an answer to a question I posed about the true nature of God.
The meditation communications I have transcribed, for the most part, refer to God as God, not with a personal pronoun, such as he or she, which, when I think about it, would make sense, at least for me, since the God of my experience is not a person, but a force like consciousness, a Universal Spirit. I do not get the smooth conversational style of Neal Donald Walsch’s – Conversations with God. Although my content is often very similar to Walsch’s, many of the communications, even though poetic, at times seem a bit formal or academic, as if they had been downloaded from a standard cosmic instruction manual or textbook.
At times, these meditation notes, or meditation guidance, appear to be at an advanced philosophical and theological level, expecting the reader, which was me up until now, to work hard to fully comprehend. However, given these notes are transcribed totally in a matter of minutes after my meditation session, based on an opening line I am given during the meditation - with absolutely no editing on my part - they arrive in a surprisingly coherent and well-organized fashion - almost like a prepared text as if God knew the question and had already formulated the answer long before I ever actually asked.
As outlined below, my first perspective conveys that there is only one God – not often debated by the major monotheistic religions and orientations – a God that is nameless, formless, faceless, and described as the creative force of the Universe, a force we can connect directly with and obtain “God-Consciousness.” This Meditation Guidance came on Saturday, June 6, 2009, just one week after the surgery to remove my Pituitary Tumor. You may have picked up that meditation notes are usually dated with the actual time listed if noted. I do this to keep accurate records and to provide some perspective on what was happening. It also allows me to track similar messages over time for consistency and comparison.
There exists only one God – nameless – formless – faceless –
all power – all wisdom – all life. The creative force of the
universe – universal life and love – is the essence of all that
exists or will ever exist. Through God, the breath of life is
given – through God, all minds are connected – all vibrations
set – all evolution transpires
God is an energy of life – empowering and powering all
growth and development in the world. God is the universal
life force, moving all life to greater beauty, kindness, love,
and potential. God is the authentic life force inside every
cell of everything we encounter or hold dear, a life force
pushing us to become more, better, fuller, more beautiful,
wonderful, and glorious.
God moves through you, with you, and surrounds you –
is whole but formless and is all form. God is spirit;
God is power, God is all, and God is the space between all.
No one needs to become God because you are God - full
of God’s love and intention. Your spiritual mission is to
know God's potential – the living God in you – alive –
in full vibration.
No person can stand for God – for God is all humankind,
all existence. A person can move towards God-Consciousness,
connect with the God-Self, and live within and with the
nature of God. Is this not the way of the mystics and
all who have deeply connected with God?
Connect and become one with God – the One God – the all –
and the all less.
NOE BY G. 6.8.2009 9:25 AM
The basic premise of my work and the key concept conveyed in what I call Positive Spirituality, which in the New Thought literature is most noted, is that we are in some way connected with God and, as a result, coupled with the force of creative energy that emanates from God. As I have asked these questions during my meditations, I am often given an explanation of this unique spiritual connection between God and Humankind.
In this meditation note below, titled Unified Universal Force, transcribed on April 11, 2010, on a Sunday at 9:00 AM, nearly one year after the One God note above, we are told that God is again the creative energy of all life and matter in the Universe we are all connected by this unified Universal life force, a human connection to Divinity. Still, the note clarifies that we can never become God because a part cannot become the whole, with God being the whole. Nevertheless, we are told we have the power to be like God and create our heaven on earth.
Always connected to God, you are encompassed in a Force
beyond all comprehension – a Force consisting of the creative
energy of all life and matter in the universe directed towards
empowerment, growth, and continued creation.
This Unified Force of all Universal Life and form is connected
and made one by the love of God. For God is all of this life
Force and more - so much more that we cannot comprehend.
Unified Life is the connection of all existence within God –
a blade of grass in a Universal field of intention and growth.
As a human being, you have this connection to Divinity –
you are a part of a magnificent growing and expanding energy
of God. Within this connection, you can become part of God
and move towards the qualities of God - become more like God,
as you acquire the Divine Nature within.
You can never become God, for a part of the whole cannot
become the whole that it is part of originally. All true mystics
have moved to this God nature – Divine Nature – and obtained
power over the forces of creative life. This connection to the
unity of all life is the creative connection behind the Laws of
Attraction – all cocreation.
Unified with all as a facet of God - you have the power to be
like God and create a heaven on earth through love, positive
thought, and centered emotion. You are connected to the
power and love of God!
NOE BY G. 4.11.2010 9:00 AM
As we fully analyze each of these meditation notes, behind the views or perspectives being presented of the God I have met on the train and the related messages, it becomes clear that God and humankind, along with all creation, are thoroughly intertwined. In the Meditation Guidance below, we are told all consciousness is connected – from the smallest particle of matter to the intricate human form, existing within a “Universal Consciousness” – a vibrational connection.
Via this connected vibrational consciousness, we manifest our thoughts and our intentions, thus cocreating our existence. This would serve as an apt definition of the Law of Attraction or Mind Action infrastructure. If we can plausibly define this Universal connected consciousness as God, then we, when adequately aligned, cocreate our lives through thought with God. Let me rephrase this because it is a pivotal point in the message - each of us can cocreate and attract what we want in our lives through our thoughts, utilizing the Universal connected consciousness of God.
This is not a new concept but has been the foundation of positive spirituality, originating from the theology of Plato with the Universal or Over-Soul, to the Hindu Atman or Soul. The Infinite Mind, Infinite Intelligence, or the Universal Mind are used to describe this phenomenon. All of my related guidance supports this assumption that we cocreate by partnering with God in this endeavor. Note the Jewish mystics of the Kabbalah, refer to the concept of cocreating with God as “Godding.”
Consciousness and connection are at the core of all life
and existence in our Universe. From the smallest particle
of matter to the full life of human form, we are conscious
of our existence, exert "will" over the outcome, and impact
all of our actions.
All matter is aware of its existence and its impact
on others. All consciousness is connected, and this
connection allows for the communication between
all matter. A vibrational connection flows through
the connected consciousness, allowing all matter,
all existence, to impact whatever it interacts with.
Through consciousness–Universal Consciousness –
we are all connected and are impacted, by all forms.
This is the infrastructure of our existence, and if fully
understood, it can be used, through love and clarity
of thought, to manifest what is desired. Every particle
is connected to life – conscious and fully aware of its
The vibration of your existence, of your thinking and
mind is connected and communicating – asking the manifested
world to respond to your expectations and view of existence.
With a thought, you are forming your experience, your life –
formulating your environment.
Clarity, and positive communication, to the connected
consciousness are essential for finding joy, peace, love,
and abundance. The mystics of the ages understood this
connection and that all of existence obeyed. Therefore,
always be aware of your consciousness and its harmony
with what you intend and manifest.
NOE BY G. 9.26.2008 8.04 AM
In this meditation note below, we are instructed that God has a choice, as we do, but always chooses love, creation, abundance, and joy. God is fully aware of good and evil – positive and negative – growth and stagnation. What connects us with God is our free will – our capacity to choose between the positive life force and the negative life force. Since we learn from our choices, we are told in the guidance that there is no punishment except for the effect of poor choices on our lives.
God has a choice, as you do. God is infinite wisdom,
infinite love, infinite knowledge, infinite caring,
infinite creativity, infinite power, infinite strength,
infinite will, infinite growth.
God is fully aware of the potential for good and evil
in the world, with full knowledge of the positive and
negative, of life and death, growth, and stagnation.
God understands these choices and fully understands
the ramifications and outcomes, and has chosen and
always chooses love, creation, abundance, joy, peace,
beauty and the creation of a positive life based on divine
As the living part of God – not God but of God –
you have the choice between the positive life force –
and the negative life force. What connects you
with God is the capacity to make this choice –
the capacity to understand that life flourishes
in good – and life diminishes with non-good.
There is no punishment or negative reinforcement
or direction from God – for in infinite wisdom, God
understands the consequences of your choices helps
you learn, redirect, and make more loving choices.
NOE BY G. 9.20.2009 10:30 AM
This Meditation Guidance below, titled Evil, clarifies God’s powerlessness in the face of the evil permeating and enveloping our world. This note responded to my questioning why God would allow evil in the world to exist, as reflected in constant war, brutality, homicide, genocide, torture, injustice, avarice, and unspeakable pain and suffering. Why would a loving God condone this evil?
The answer is outlined below, but to summarize - God does not and cannot transform the evil created by us into good. Since humankind is endowed with “free will” - the power of choice between a positive life and a negative life - we have the responsibility for the evil we create. According to this message, this evil is the direct result of the human ego going out of control. We, not God, can only accomplish the elimination or reduction of evil.
In short, do not blame God or other cosmic entities, real or imagined, such as a “devil,” for humankind's works. The true devil is within humankind's ego. God does offer hope and pledges to help in whatever way possible.
God cannot stop or prevent the evil created by humankind,
only humans can do this.
God, who is love and good does not know or deal, intervene,
or transform evil into good. Evil, despair, and fear are based
on unlove – the desire to control, dominate and dictate to others.
and created life through the Laws of Spirit and Nature.
Humans, endowed with free will and choice, entered into
this life with the capability for positive change and the capacity
to accelerate the creation of growth and good.
But humanity has created and empowered the ego – separate –
working to the best interests, at times, of hysteria, paranoia,
and avarice. Then, has turned and blamed their own handy
work of these negative pursuits and intentions, these harmful
results and impacts on God, fully expecting God to solve
and resolve.
God does not invade, imprison, commit homicide, torture,
or persecute anyone or anything. God does not starve
the innocent or condemn the hopeless. This is the work
of human ego desires gone out of control – this is
the presence of evil, or hell, in your life today.
Do not blame God for the works of humankind; do not
expect God to intervene; God will always work for the good,
but only humans can eliminate their human-created evil.
Humanity must reform and transform humanity – and God
will help.
NOE BY G. 7.17.2009 8:00 AM
This note effectively establishes that God is not the cleanup crew for the havoc often created by humankind, and honestly, although it explains why God did not assist during genocides like the Holocaust, arrange a cure during the plaques, or stop the crusades - it leaves me with an uneasy feeling, a sense of dismay – that the hope of humankind rests with humankind. As we will note below and in the later chapters, our awakening is essential for our spiritual development and survival.
The Meditation Guidance offered below – The Hands And Feet Of God – further expands on humankind’s essential partnership with God: God is the source, providing the Universal Consciousness and the creative energy, but we are the conduits of this Divine power. You might ask, why does God need us since God should be able to create anything God wishes - but after more than twelve years of messages, I believe God cannot fully create alone. It is like God has set up this Internet – Universal Consciousness - but there is nothing to create without users – in this case, people with energized individual intentions.
The fun comes when we add the intentions of billions of people, close to eight billion to be exact, creating and manifesting their hopes, dreams, and desires. Worlds are conceived, cures created, empires built, art formed, and yes, all the evil, but also the potential of moving beyond the ego-created evil, thus creating true heaven on earth.
To do this, we need to be the hands and feet of God, as outlined in the note below.
You are the center of all creation in the Universe.
You are the hands and feet of God, and through you
and with God – the inner and outer substance of
Divine will cocreates the world.
Your thoughts create and manifest your life
circumstances and your life experience. Each thought
is a prayer, a creative wish that is fulfilled by the
Universe – by life energy.
The Divine power – the Source of life in life –
created man as a thought of an active God – a God
on earth, who is capable of a positive, manifested life.
The essence of all life is seen in the culmination
of a life force that can create easily in the world –
who can visualize a new world and has the power
to combine forces to build what is seen.
The power of all creation requires the force, mobility,
the creativity of both humankind and God to bring
it into being. Each of you is God – Source energy –
a full creative energy force. As creative forces, only
you can resist this essence, resist your birthright,
and focus on the non-positive, the negative.
Joy is the full cocreative bliss when you are aligned
and creating at full throttle. Creation leads to more
life and a complete abundance. All you need is the
inner Soul – the Spirit. You carry the Source of all
creation and are connected through the Heartlight
to the combined power of Universal manifestation.
As Source – connected to Infinite Intelligence –
with the power of cocreation, there is nothing you
cannot have, be, experience, or create into being,
as the hands, feet, and mind of God.
NOE BY G. 1.29.2008 7:30 AM
The message is simply - you, me, we are all active players in this life experience. Free to allow our intentions to grow our lives and the creation and evolution of all life. God does not direct us; only guides us and assists us in expanding the fabric of consciousness, effectively, the growing of God itself. I would like to close this review of the perspectives of the God I have encountered on the train and have fallen in love with once again – the God of our heaven on earth – with this final message:
God grows with each moment of creation in the manifested
world – with each idea, movement, and breath – the fullness
of God grows. All life grows God in the pursuit of more life,
more creation, more growth.
God is the force of growth behind all positive creation.
This movement forward is the manifestation of the continued
moving forward. This life force, this creative force, is the essence
of God, the Source – where all creation is fueled and put in motion.
God – the Source – moves only towards the clear truth of perfect,
abundant life. Each step builds on the previous step; each creation
forms and becomes a new creation. This Source is God.
God is in you – God surrounds you – God moves through you –
realize you are a creative, living cell of God – an individual
creation inspired by Divine creation.
We all must grow God.
NOE BY G. 11.18.2008 8:50 AM
Over the past years, the spiritual messages I have received have grown progressively more detailed and complex. From the very beginning, as the note from 2008 just offered above conveys, ideas such as the growth of God were far from traditional and conventional. Yet lately, here in 2022, the concept of an “emergent God” has raised the bar to a new and more complex level. Therefore, I would like to republish a post from June 2017 titled Our Earnest Effort. As the post warns, some may find this just too far out or disturbing to consider, but, as I promised myself early on in this quest, I would listen and communicate the message I received, stretching to comprehend it, even if I did not find it in alignment with my core beliefs. After we review the post, I will come back with some coalescing remarks.
earnest (adjective) - resulting from or showing
sincere and intense conviction.
We are mobile creatures in search of our origin, our
primal essence, the first cause of our very existence;
this search ignites our creative center as we conjure
gods, rulers, myths, magic, wizards, and/or shamans
to interpret our place, our possible situation, perhaps
to connect with our creator, to return to where we
originated once more.
This molten force of will has formed a conjoined
intention, given life to this distant, passionate pursuit;
overwhelming, unwieldy, forging a consciousness
of human longing, a continual cry for our lost place,
our desire to be spiritually comforted by our Universal,
ancestral Mother – Father – the formulator of our
From this earnest effort, we, humankind, manifested
a presence, a conscious response, the hoped-for overseer,
a gentle, engaged strength – a God –a tangible consciousness,
a combined Soul evolved through and by conflicting views,
this presence finds being and provides love, peace, joy,
and happiness – our combined intention.
NOE BY G. 5.18.2017
What if the note above is tenable, would the following conceptual foundation be supportable?
Our Universe is continually evolving to fulfill our unique desires – at its core, at the root of its very essence, hardwired into its firmware, an algorithm existing for growth through conscious creation – a creation engine of sorts, a 3D printer producing thought into being, being that is tweaked and altered into a better being, then into evolved being – often appearing to take even our sketchy thoughts, dreams, and visions - for good or ill - seriously - to make them appear -working beneath and beyond our understanding. All this with consciousness as its medium, firm intention as its catalyst, and tangible reality as its exhibition.
If this first proposition is supportable – then the creation engine referred to above would certainly qualify as a potential God-like presence, yet founded in natural law, or possibly better put, algorithm-based rather than love and kindness-centered. Although a God providing an existence that attempts to give what we desire, for the most part, does seem rather loving to me.
We, humankind, each of us, our world, our reality would be the result of this continual creative force – given that we, each of us, would be mobile creative creatures, fully designed and connected with this Universal Consciousness, capable of bringing what we wish into being. Thus, all of this, every human-adapted thing we see and touch: our human world, manifested by us, for us, in less than a few hundred thousand years.
So with this creative power, the combined consciousness of humankind fuels the emergence of all it surveys, a communal force so potent it can change the very underpinnings of reality, enabling all life to flourish in a virtual heaven on earth – or, as we sometimes do, create a virtual hell on earth that unknowingly speeds humankind, all of us, towards our own extinction?
Perhaps, within our combined creative reach – is a God of worth, a God of merit, a God of love and hope, a God of our own creation – or maybe altering. But, the note above seems to suggest we collectively, unknowingly, through the millions of prayers, pleas, and thoughts over thousands of years of struggle, suffering, and hard-fought existence, we, we may have created, manifested a God of meaning, a God of purpose, a God of goodwill, a God that we deserve – through our own vested power of creation.
As often occurs when writing these posts, my original objective to present this speculative concept of an emergent God, created from our conjoined human consciousness, has, over a few paragraphs itself, evolved into a fuller, and I guess for me, a more fascinating and plausible concept - that through our spiritual-based intentions, we all created a more engaging, loving, useful, caring God, enhancing the universal creative engine with a Heartlight. A God of the heart as well as of natural law.
However it happened, this is the God I will keep empowering and fostering through my prayers, gratitude, and love.
Thanks for speculating with me as I continue to attempt to understand fully the guidance I receive.TANGIBLE CREATION - MEDITATION GUIDANCE
Tangible creation is envisioned desire formed into
existence through the power of cocreation, through
your Divine Spirit is connected and one, with God’s
force and power of creation.
Tangible creation is thought in form, substance,
where the imagined becomes real, takes life, and a
appears in front of you.
Tangible creation springs from total focused desire,
uninhibited by the thought of lack or impossibility –
empowered by emotionally charged belief, powering
the connection to both your and God’s creative force –
a life force combination so infused with potential –
intention – that it becomes real –takes shape – and
inhabits conscious form.
I would like to add two additional Notes On Enlightenment to this chapter, sharing with you below what I believe to be one of the most fascinating God concepts I have received in my meditation guidance on the train – titled God Has No Voice, which suggests that God, in fact, communicates via a conscious vibration, that creates a sensation of meaning, rather than with a voice. I follow this, with a more recent reiteration of the same concept, in a blog post titled The First Language.
God has no voice, being but a vibration, which when you
touch creates a vision, a sensation of meaning translated
by your need to form experience into words. The pounding
surf of God’s message wears away at your hazy awareness
until you quiet the clamor of your restless mind, receiving
the transmission of a few drops of thirst-quenching nectar –
yet this is all that is required since each contains the whole
story – for all is alive within a single drop, for those who
can connect.
God has no voice, this is your idiom, instead, expressing
more clearly through an emotion of being, forming waves
of conscious vibration, waiting for some connection to be
attained and secured.
Listen deeply, feel intensely, connect earnestly, allowing
the message to move through you, before you rush to chip
away at it in words, realizing, someday you will communicate
so much deeper, fuller.
No reason to feel anxious or slighted, if the reception
is unclear, know God is always expressing, learn to listen,
all that is needed is one magnificent drop.
NOE G. 6.3.2012 8:00 AM
Although God communicates with us through our own language, expressing in the terms and idioms and icons, we most understand perhaps God’s language, is the first language of sincere expression, primarily vibrational, emotional, intentional as the note below conveys; and we – if we really listen with our full hearts are capable of translating this communication into our own words and symbols. Perhaps, our literal brain-ware has been engineered to translate this God message, and does so, if we will intently listen, with faith, for its song.
Within deep consciousness, we speak in emotions,
vibrations, intentions rather than words that require
learning and translation; we speak the first language
of sincere expression – feeling – the intensity of
expression spoke with and through the heart; moving
via the Heartlight; sounding and resounding and
rebounding and reverberating through time and levels
of space – across dimensions: this is the communication,
the language of the cosmos – listen intently, heart-focused,
and it is possible to hear the sounds of aware life expressing,
listen even more completely and the messages will find
expression within and through you, as they have and
continue to do, as this note validates.
Today, again place your ear to the tracks of the
cosmos listen for its song - sonorous and lush.
NOE G. 4.4.2017
As we discussed, affirmations are positive statements announcing to God – Universal Mind – and to our subconscious mind how we view the world, and what we expect to occur during the day or in our lives. It is a powerful way to use the Law of Attraction to frame our reality and set positive expectations.
The two affirmations shared below, titled Cocreation and Ready To Receive, will help us prepare to tap into and use the creative powers we have just discussed. Finally, we will top it off with an Affirmative Thought titled, Visions Of Dreams Obtained.
I can manifest and cocreate into the physical
world, anything I want, need, or desire. I can
do, be, or obtain anything I want to focus my
thoughts on manifesting.
Thank you, God, for I know you have already solved
the problem, and I am willing to receive.
Today fill your mind with visions
of dreams obtained, desires fulfilled,
goals accomplished, challenges overcome –
visualizing the intended or desired
end result, rather than the details of each
step on the path to actual attainment.
Today fill your heart with the emotions
and feelings of the joy hoped for,
the happiness encountered, the peace
and serenity of life subdued, the love
felt and found in a heaven of your
own making.
Today fill your life with the qualities
of authentic being – the energy and
the pure enthusiasm of living on purpose,
being in the zone of constant fulfillment –
the resonance of a vibration whole, solid,
complete and divine – all already present
within you, waiting for you to arrive today.
AT BY G. 8.31.2012
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