Quest For A Positive, Personal,
And Contemplative Spirituality
Listen To The Video Featured On The Jan Garrett & JD Martin
YouTube Channel.
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All along, there has been someone
waiting for you in the clearing
of your heart – a tender, gentle
presence created from divine will –
the essence of you – the universal
you – the perfect you just waiting
for you to finally arrive.
All along, this you has waited for
you to find your way, cut your
path through the challenges of life –
watching you live in desperate search
of love, of home, of happiness - alone –
never fully able to reach out and
pull you into oneness.
Today take a moment to reflect on the
you who waits – stop and look within –
say hello to this you – spend a
moment before you go on your way!
AT BY G. 3.1.2011
There are two ways to live:
you can live as if nothing is a miracle;
you can live as if everything is a miracle.
Albert Einstein
It was a promise I felt compelled to keep, more like a commitment, made at a time of awakening in what appeared to be the closing moments of my life. There was also an open-ended aspect to it, quest-like since I did not know what "the point" was I had missed in the living of my fifty-seven hard-fought years when I suggested - if I were to survive my surgery and be able to use my paralyzed body again, I would surely find out and rectify it; not necessarily for God or humankind, but for me, in hopes of completing this journey, of living on earth, on the plus side.
Welcome to my book titled NOTES ON ENLIGHTENMENT - Quest for a Positive, Personal, and Contemplative Spirituality - THE CRYSTAL PATH – an introductory companion guide to my blog - The Finding God On The Train Story – Notes On Enlightenment, located at:
If you have arrived here to read these words, I believe this unique focus and approach to spirituality might benefit you. If this is your first exposure to The Finding God On The Train Story blog, you may be here to discover something this book is meant to assist you with finding: even if you are not sure what it is or why. Perhaps, you arrive here fully engaged in a spiritual quest or journey and want to see if The Finding God On The Train Story – Notes On Enlightenment message offers anything to augment your current efforts. Of course, you may be well aware of this blog and the message, just ready to enjoy the book to explore some of the key concepts in more depth.
For some, I believe this may be a viable cure for what I have described in the book as "spiritual malnutrition"– a soul-based illness that has a large cross-section of humanity, at least in my opinion, desperately seeking a solution for their existential pain, depression, hopelessness, and despair. A pain I recognize because I lived with it for so many years - only to discover there are not enough drugs, therapy, or escapes to fill this void. Perhaps, it is a personal connection with God, Source, Spirit, the Tao, The Beloved, Infinite Mind - (or whatever name you prefer to use) - that will aid you in regaining your spiritual balance. If so, consider riding on this train with me to see if you recognize yourself in my story. By doing so, you might find hope in creating your own positive, personal, and contemplative approach to spirituality.
Yes, I believe this book is "the point" I had missed, fulfilling my promise, or commitment, to rectify this situation. Let me clarify what I mean by this. Over the past fifteen-plus years, I have been on a quest to find this missing point, and with the blog and now this book, I reveal and unveil the positive and personal spirituality I had unknowingly sought all my life. This has been a quest that has taken me from an angry skeptic/agnostic, who questioned the very existence of God, to a believer who, for the past twelve years, has published over fourteen hundred divinely inspired messages, affirmative thoughts, prayers, and poetry on his blog, Twitter, and Facebook sites for followers to read and utilize if appropriate. But more than this, I have found what was missing for me all those years - a fresh perspective featuring a positive, loving, and empowering God, one that I believe will assist all those who, like me, might be on a similar quest.
Let me retrace what has happened since my pre-surgery epiphany. While spending a few months recuperating from my spinal surgery, I had a great deal of time to assess my life and try to determine what was the point I had missed. Ann, my partner at the time, now my wife, and I both agreed we needed to alter our negative, stress-ridden, pessimistic, and faith-questioning approach to life, working on replacing it with a more hopeful and positive attitude. This realization was the beginning of my quest to find a positive lifestyle and spirituality. Ann and I committed ourselves to reconnecting with God and finding a church we could believe in and prosper with - one that was positive.
Given that I outline this entire experience in Chapter One, titled God's Wake-Up Call, I will not go into intricate detail. Still, in brief, we found a little book with a gold cover authored by a fellow Temple University alum– Jeffrey Gitomer's LITTLE GOLD BOOK of YES! Attitude - How to Find, Build, and Keep A YES! Attitude for a Lifetime of Success & Happiness. After reading Gitomer's book, Ann and I began working on our attitudes in earnest. Encouraged, we followed this up by reading every positive thinking book we could find. So when we stumbled on Rhonda Byrne's book, The Secret, we were hooked on its positive spiritual message: proposing a friendly universe created to respond to our needs, featuring a genuinely loving and nurturing God.
After reading The Secret, Ann and I were even more focused on finding a church that featured a positive spiritual message, and as a result, our list of the attributes we expected to find in such a church expanded. We would discover a church that fits our criteria and attend for a few weeks. Then the pastor would preach against gays or discuss why only their denomination could be saved and enter heaven, and we would again be forced to bid a hasty retreat. Finally, I started to understand my problem with many of the traditional faith-based approaches I had experienced during my life – they seemed to me to be antiquated, often requiring a suspension of logic to accept the ancient dogma being espoused. If nothing else, I needed some more current and up-to-date dogma.
It was a strange little ad for a non-traditional church, listed in the Sunday worship section of a local neighborhood newspaper that Ann had cut out, held onto for a few weeks, and finally handed me one Saturday night in early July of 2007 as our frustration over current alternatives had us ready to throw in the spiritual towel. Remarkably, we would later find out, this ad that caught Ann's attention was an old ad accidentally published by the newspaper. The advertisement seemed to be written for us, featuring a church that encouraged a personalized approach to connecting with God and fostering an individual spirituality, open to all religious backgrounds, faiths, and belief systems. I went to their website to investigate. Frankly, I was stunned such a church had been out there all along, and we, after months of active searching, had never heard of its existence. This non-traditional church was exactly what we had imagined - surely covering every positive requirement on our list.
The following day, we would attend our first "New Thought" related, positive-focused church in a Jazzercise facility, converted to look like a church for this morning service, with roughly fifty worshipers in attendance. There was both a Bible and a Koran open on the makeshift altar; a large blue and white dove sewn onto the draped fabric covering the space directly above this altar; as we spied the exercise balls and assorted equipment along the surrounding walls. The minister – a woman – enthusiastically guided the service - personally facilitating a group meditation for over ten minutes, then delivered a beautiful, affirming, positive, and encouraging sermon.
We were joyfully introduced to Unity – a "New Thought" oriented church that met all of our requirements: but more importantly, it would jump-start our quest for a positive spirituality. In fact, from this point on, the Unity movement became a potential framework for fostering, what we would consider, a positive spiritual experience. This church was also unique in its acceptance and inclusion of a full spectrum of the world's spiritual wisdom traditions and practices.
We were so amazed and grateful that a religious organization like this existed. Ann and I threw ourselves into the study of New Thought - realizing this positive spiritual approach - although it utilized the mystical and spiritual lessons and texts of all faiths - had not originated in the Middle East, India, or Asia but was a uniquely American construct. We ended up adding the following Unity-based New Thought critical principles to our paradigm for what a positive spiritual orientation would entail: (1) all religious paths lead to God and are to be respected; (2) God is a positive life-affirming entity, and as a result, each of us may have a meaningful personal connection and relationship with God; (3) in this regard, sin and shame are not supported as valid or tenable, but instead considered the by-product of our life mistakes and wrong directions, conveying our need for more positive life-affirming choices; and, lastly, (4) overall tolerance of all affirming and loving lifestyles.
For us, newcomers to non-traditional spirituality, what was most startling and noteworthy about this Unity New Thought paradigm, was the absence of a rigid doctrine or dogma. Instead, New Thought's positive spirituality, which espouses that we, as spiritual seekers, may each have our own direct and personal connection with God through prayer and meditation: and, by doing so, based on this experience, encourages us to develop our own, personally tailored, and unique spiritual approach.
Additionally, we discovered the church's positive thought control perspective, also known as "Mind Action," emphasizing that our thoughts create our life experiences. Via our thoughts, we attract what we are thinking, and as a result, we are – not by fate or accident - personally responsible for the life we are now living. Mind Action underscores the importance of maintaining a positive mental attitude, and an optimistic focus, through affirmative prayer, affirmations, and positive thinking.
Although New Thought would seem like a slam dunk in my mission to find a positive lifestyle and spirituality – what could be better than an organization covering every primary requirement on my positive church list - except that it felt to me more like the vehicle rather than the destination, a vehicle that would establish the foundation of my concept of positive spirituality, so important and impactful, I have dedicated Chapter Three titled a New Thought Positive Spirituality - Yesterday And Today to share this foundation while explaining the fundamental theology and concepts of New Thought. For most spiritual seekers, this would be enough, but although I had made incredible progress, I had still not gotten to "the point" of what I needed to handle.
Part One of this book, titled My Spiritual And Life Journey, highlights my spiritual transformation and opens with two chapters on my life leading up to the train. It is followed by Chapter Three, which I just mentioned, explaining key New Thought concepts, and closes with Chapter Four, a "how-to" chapter on the techniques and processes I used to connect with God on the train, which I will expand on shortly. My purpose in exploring these details of my journey at the start of the book is to give you a chance to get to know me, and to understand how I evolved into the person I am today. I also feel it is an exciting and entertaining story with an underlying theme; with proper guidance, readers should surely be able to do this with less difficulty and angst.
As you read my spiritual life story, what may become evident is that what I lacked during my years of spiritual seeking was a clear concept of a God I could support and defend. At an early age, I was at war with the idea of an angry, vengeful, and punishing God, which reminded me of the abusive father I already had at home. This angry God seemed to be more interested in my "sin" and my "misdeeds" than love and hope.
Later in life, the problem for me was rarely with the founding mystic's original perspective but with the followers' later interpretation, transforming, in many cases, the mystic's loving God to fit the doctrine espoused by the newly formed church leadership: creating concepts entirely alien to what the mystic had conveyed in the original teachings. Likewise, I questioned whether the resulting dogma, rules, and regulations created for those who lived in ancient times made any sense for our modern existence.
Even if, at times, I agreed with the religious concepts encountered, I found little usable guidance on how to pray and connect with God. At least within modern-day Western churches, few accept or would promote meditation as a viable approach for connecting with God, even though it has been a proven, effective technique used by prominent Eastern religions and numerous mystical, spiritual movements over thousands of years. So, I dutifully did my best to connect through prayer, but no connection occurred. As an Episcopalian, in my later life, prayers were scripted, for the most part, said silently or in unison. There is no real opportunity for direct communication with God during Sunday services.
Looking back, most established churches I attended emphasized prayer as the keystone of their faith but offered no training on how to pray effectively or what would result if I did. In truth, no church I have attended before Unity seemed to expect members to make a direct connection. As a result, I often wonder how they would react to my current situation.
I found a modern, contemporary framework for understanding God when I was finally introduced to the "New Thought" perspective of God's relationship with humankind. I have spent much time studying the great mystics who have expanded our vision of God throughout the ages in my pursuit of a friendlier God. I believe every mystic has created a step forward, and with every step forward, a spiritual stairway has been constructed, enabling us to continue to ascend to the fuller truth of God. This unfolding truth is glimpsed but never exhausted or fully captured – but we reach a complete perspective by climbing. I have realized that our consciousness, perhaps, is too confined or limited to conceive the more expansive consciousness of God. Yet we are fully fit to grasp the intent, the eternal purpose, and the embedded mission.
As I began my quest for a positive spirituality and discovered New Thought, I interviewed for a job in Washington, DC, was hired, and began what would feature two-plus hour commutes, each way, from Fredericksburg, Virginia, to the nation's capital - an hour and twenty minutes of which was on an Amtrak train. As I outline in Chapter Four of Part One, titled Connecting With God On The Train, I began to meditate in earnest during my daily train commutes: which, on a good day, offered me approximately one hour of uninterrupted free time I used for spiritual renewal; with prayer and meditation, of course, as a central part of this time spent.
My daily meditation was quite extensive, considering I had a long uninterrupted train ride, and in Chapter Four, I outline the standard practice I found most helpful during my commutes. Since I was new to meditation, just beginning to learn what was entailed, it took many months before I learned to quiet my mind and enter the silence. What would happen next would change my life completely! As I often explain this magical time in my life - I had spent an entire lifetime searching for God, only to find God on the train. An Amtrak train, just like the trains we all use to travel from city to city as we move through our lives.
Let's clarify; when I refer to finding God on the train, God was never lost, but instead, I was lost, having failed to make a connection with God during my pre-train life. Also, of course, I am not talking about seeing God in the seat next to me and saying hello. Instead, I am referring to connecting with God during my sessions of meditative prayer, where I would enter what some call "the silence" and ask God to be my guide.
My connection with God is what I call inspired, appearing through words, concepts, and brief meditative guidance that come to me in "the silence," usually in a few words or a phrase. I routinely remember these keywords and phrases offered by God during my meditative session. After ending my session, I would transcribe these inspired messages in my journal in what I call a stream of consciousness. When I say transcribe, I define this as taking dictation because I do not edit or question what I am writing but record each word unfolding into my consciousness.
In 2009 when I turned to my wife, Ann, and conveyed to her that I felt called to write a book titled Notes On Enlightenment, based on the inspired thoughts I was receiving while meditating on my long train commutes into Washington, DC. At these moments, having a supportive partner can change your life. Ann listened and slowly said, "why don't you consider starting with a blog." Blogs, at the time, were gaining in popularity, offering a novel way to have an interactive website. Later the same week, in a related discussion, Ann came up with a name for the blog – offering – "how about Finding God On The Train."
Ann suggested that a blog would allow me to test the waters, determining the interest in such a spiritual topic. So I went to the bookstore, purchasing three books that explained how to create a blog. After a slow start and much floundering, I decided to use an emerging Blog service - Typepad – and over the years, my readership has grown far beyond my original expectations. Since my early 2009 posts, long-time followers started reading my Finding God On The Train Story blog posts, either as they were first published on Typepad, later on, Facebook, and finally on Twitter.
So primarily, the meditation guidance and the accompanying affirmative thoughts, poems, prayers, and affirmations, featured on the blog and in this book are unedited and untouched except for correcting my spelling and minor punctuation issues. My goal has been to record the message and not worry if the message makes specific sense or is logical. This method has helped me record all of the notes, which will be included in this book, as well as those that have been used for over 1400 daily blog posts to date.
A complete compendium of The Finding God On The Train Story guidance is being compiled and will be published as a follow-up to this book. Although the affirmative thoughts, poems, and affirmations usually do not result directly through meditation, I feel they are inspired, having come to me through spirit. Another offering featuring what I consider to be the spiritual poetry posted on the blog titled STEEPLES – THE SPIRITUAL POETRY OF THE FINDING GOD ON THE TRAIN STORY BLOG is in the works. Again, I outline this process and the techniques I use in-depth in Chapter Four.
Although I was in pursuit of this connection with God for many years, when I look back, I never stopped talking enough or believed enough to listen earnestly for a response. God was not communicating because I had drowned out the "whispered message" with my noisy, complicated world. With the proper time and techniques on the train, I learned to listen, and God provided guidance. Most of the meditative guidance was delivered to assist me in moving forward with my spiritual journey: to learn to live a more abundant, genuine, and authentic life.
As you can imagine, when I began my spiritual reconnection with God, I had no plans to publish a blog or a book about finding God in my wildest imagination. But as I became more connected with God through meditation and prayer, I received a message to write a book titled, Notes On Enlightenment, as I mentioned earlier. I would define my initial reaction as being incredulous; quickly reminding God that I was light-years away from enlightenment; did not know what the term truly meant; was not a professional writer; had a full-time job which I needed to pay my bills, and frankly was not spiritually prepared or qualified. Besides, everyone I knew would think I had finally gone completely crazy.
All of these considerations, I felt, were excellent arguments against picking me for this particular assignment. But, I also knew this might just be "the point" that I had missed in living my life and had, earlier, committed to rectifying. But, quite frankly, I also knew that saying no to God, crazy or not, was saying no to divine guidance, which I could use. So I put the book idea on the back burner, as I kept recording my meditations, sure that it was a mistake and God would reconsider or forget. But, since you are reading these words, which I have written, and am now publishing on my blog and in book form, it is safe to say that I rethought this approach.
At this point, I had planned to tell you my connection with God is not unique. But, the truth is, I do not have any way of knowing whether it is or not. Frankly, I believe that God constantly transmits a message to those who are ready and willing to listen. A message similar to what I present in Part Two - The Message - is being communicated through thousands who are currently awakening, listening to God, being inspired, and sharing a similar message with all who are interested.
What makes the message of The Finding God On The Train Story so fascinating, to me at least, is the sheer scope and depth of what has been communicated, providing a foundation for a positive spirituality that is so comprehensive it is indeed worth the investment of time to at least investigate and consider thoroughly. My task in this has been to put it in some understandable order, connect it with what has been previously said by the great wisdom traditions, and, when plausible, combine it with the supportive science and metaphysics of our day.
Now that we have discussed what to expect in Part One – My Spiritual And Life Journey, let's take a look at what we will cover in Part Two - The Message, which opens with Chapter Five featuring a presentation of the vital foundation principles converted to me on the train such as; the Crystal Path, the Heartlight, the Divine Self, and God-Consciousness. Chapter Six elaborates on the importance of the Crystal Path, with an in-depth review of each of the Seven Facets of Consciousness outlined by the guidance. Finally, chapters Seven and Eight go on to incorporate these foundation themes in the finding of joy, peace, love, and happiness - what the guidance explains as the critical ingredients for living a positive, personal approach to spirituality – described as the attainment of heaven on earth - often referred to as enlightenment.
Each part of the book has been originally published by chapter on the blog, with Part One - My Spiritual And Life Journey (Chapters One through Four), and Part Two - The Message (Chapters Five through Eight), providing the foundation of The Finding God On The Train Story – Notes On Enlightenment, including the details of my quest for a positive, personal, and contemplative spirituality, have been conveyed. Part Three – Mind Control - The Control Of Consciousness (Chapters Nine through Eleven) provides a more advanced and in-depth focus on actual mind control, mindfulness, and control of consciousness techniques and approaches, along with guidance on incorporating the Seven Facets Of Consciousness into the reader's personal, positive approach to spirituality. Part Four - God- Consciousness And The Divinity Within (Chapters Twelve through Fourteen) focuses on the understanding of God-Consciousness, along with exploring the concept of our internal Divinity.
NOTES ON ENLIGHTENMENT – Quest for a Positive, Personal, and Contemplative Spirituality, THE CRYSTAL PATH, Featuring The Finding God On The Train Story is what I would call a blog book - a book written and originally published on a blog. As each chapter has been completed, often in installments - because of the practical limitations of blog posts, this book originally appeared on my blog located at
under the Book Chapters tab, and often reposted on FGOTT's Twitter site. At first, when I began this project, I worked to mimic what a print book was capable of accomplishing but began to understand that I was limiting the multi-media platform that I had on my hands. It first started with the capability to incorporate music since I often use popular song lyrics to augment my concept or storylines. It did not take me long to realize that I could also add photographs and videos – others and my own - and if I wanted to, I could add video intros and cliff notes like summaries, which are still in the works for upcoming versions.
I have learned on the train and firmly believe that God is working daily with each of us, and if we are willing to receive, God is ready to assist us with cocreating the most wonderful life possible. The God I have met on the train is a loving, kind spirit who wants everything for us. In reading this book, if I am effective, you will find a guide for connecting with God and making God a partner in your life.
I began this introduction searching for "the point" that I had missed over fourteen years ago. As I have written this book, I have had to repeatedly clarify and expand on my purpose for this project and share its message. As a result, this book and the blog offer a fresh perspective aimed primarily at those who may be seeking this message and want to change their lives. I also want to reduce or eliminate the time we all, as human beings, spend paralyzed by fear, doubt, and worry - replacing it instead with a new sense of optimism and positivism. Further, I want to assist similarly motivated readers with exploring and defining their true, authentic purpose or calling and help them reconnect with their essential spiritual nature.
I want all potential readers to understand what I believe God has always intended for us, so I am going to deliver this message now rather than wait until the end of the book:
God wants us all to thrive, flourish, excel,
to live perfectly genuine/authentic, and purposeful
lives, and by doing so, reach a state of enlightenment
where we know joy, love, peace, and happiness on
a daily basis – and where we experience heaven
on earth – the full life.
I now realize that this is "the point," or at least my point, and it is why I have agreed to share this message, and it is the essence of what I believe I am meant to communicate through this work. The rest is up to you, the reader.
And lastly, the positive spirituality of New Thought is a religious approach incorporating the teachings of diverse spiritual orientations. New Thought approaches have no fixed dogma, thus providing an open framework, as it does for me, to personalize my religious practice. This open framework is an essential aspect of what a positive, personal, and contemplative spirituality must entail, in order to be effective. There are few set rules and regulations, except for you to do your best to connect with God by whatever means works for you.
In this regard, I am often asked what religion I am, and although I admit to my New Thought perspective and both my Christian and Jewish history, I feel I am better described as a religious independent with no established religious affiliation. At this point, I have been able to create my own approach to spirituality, reflecting my lifestyle, my beliefs, and me. I find the Sufi poet Hafiz sums up my answer succinctly in his poem, I Have Learned So Much:
So much from God
That I can no longer
Call Myself
A Christian, A Hindu, a Muslim.
A Buddhist, A Jew.
I could also confidently be at home with any or all of these orientations since I believe each offers a viable path to God. I believe a spiritual quest can be successfully taken within the confines of an established religious practice – many Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, and Jewish mystics have taken this spiritual quest, charted the course, and have documented their progress for us to use as guidance in our undertaking, as we shall see outlined later in this book. All are welcome on this journey.
I want to end this introduction with our first song, by the spiritually inspiring husband and wife team of Jan Garrett & JD Martin, titled Listen from their CD No Complaints Whatsoever. Hit songwriter JD Martin, and his wife, internationally renowned jazz singer Jan Garret, perform a song written by JD Martin and Tom Kimmel that expresses the heart of the message of The Finding God On The Train Story – Listen.
Listen is Available For Purchase and Download At Music Store.
Listen To The Video Featured On The Jan Garrett & JD Martin YouTube Channel.
The world runs fast, the spirit slow
To where we think we need to go
When we move into passing gear
The Song of Love is hard to hear
Till everything's so loud that we're
Alone with what we're missing
Listen, Listen
Somewhere beneath the sea of noise
We hear the angel's whispered voice
The song is there, the words are clear
And all we need is still right here
Listen, Listen
The harmony of wings in flight
The rising of the wind at night
The breaking of the ocean waves
Will call the heart that's half-awake
The sound of every breath we take
Can free the soul from prison
Listen, Listen
Listen, for all we're worth
The door to heaven is here on earth
The shout for joy, the softest prayer
The sound of love is in the air
JD Martin And Tom Kimmel
I hope you will take the time to travel on the train with me and find God for yourself. If you are already connected, I salute the Divinity within you and invite you to come along to see what a different approach may be, possibly providing you with additional insight. The Finding God On The Train Story has given me glimpses of heaven here on Earth. So let's get on the train. All Aboard!
I like to refer to the guidance or messages I receive during meditation as "Notes On Enlightenment," and will end each chapter in the book with one or more Notes I have transcribed over the years on the train. I would like to start with the meditative guidance below, which directly refers to enlightenment, and for me, underscores the process and progressive evolution of enlightenment. As many have said, enlightenment is a journey, not a destination.
Enlightenment is the destiny of the soul – it is the full
connection with the spirit of the infinite God that
surrounds us, is in us, and moves through us.
Enlightenment is not a destination; it is a journey,
a process of illumination where we light up existence
by shining brighter with each step.
Enlightenment is a progression, a stairway to all
truth, understanding, and good, an internal
movement to inner peace and self-acceptance.
Enlightenment is the profound connection with all
existence and a deepening ability to love universally.
Enlightenment is a supreme state of God's love –
infinite, omnipotent, omnipresent. As we grow,
the illumination of our Spirit burns brighter,
and we move towards the realization of our true
identity – the full illumination of God in each of us.
NOE BY G. 11.11.2008 9:30 AM
Affirmations are positive statements announcing to God – the Universal Mind – and to our subconscious mind how we view the world and what we expect to occur during the day or in our life. It is a powerful way to use the Law of Attraction to frame our reality and set positive expectations.
Here is one of my favorite affirmations that came to me while meditating on a Friday morning train commute to DC, which I now recite daily to frame the day. If we genuinely lived each element below, we would approach and embody the "I AM" within.
Today I AM the living Spirit of God.
Today I AM powerful.
Today I AM successful.
Today I AM loving, kind, and at peace.
Today I can accomplish anything,
be anything, create anything.
Today I AM the anointed child of God.
Today I AM confident, bold, and sincere.
Today I AM connected to Source,
one with Source, guided by Source.
Today I AM knowledgeable, valuable, purposeful.
Today I see the vision of my purpose.
Today that purpose comes to life.
Today I AM connected to my Spirit guides.
Today I AM the best spiritual seeker possible.
Today I AM all I wish to be.
Today I create a world of joy.
Today I AM happy.
Today I AM joyful.
Today I AM blessed.
Today I AM all these things and more.
NOE By G. 2.8.2008 7:45 AM
It's Friday morning, and you are commuting on an Amtrak train to your job in Washington, DC, and seated next to you is a bald guy with glasses, around sixty, dressed in a blue business blazer and pin-stripe shirt open at the collar, who seems to be meditating, and you have a flash of panic because you don't commute by train, and you don't have a job in Washington, DC, but you smile realizing this must be a dream, as you turn your attention to the scenic vistas outside the window, hoping the guy does not come to and start talking.
The guy gestures with his hands like he is praying, opens his eyes, smiles at you, and begins writing in a journal. The journal is filled with pages written in ink; it has a black cover with lined paper; you think, ah, it is a Moleskine. Quickly he writes using a pen without pausing or taking time to think, as if he was taking dictation, not stopping until the whole page is full. He closes the journal, securing its elastic band carefully, then puts the journal into his computer case. He looks into your eyes and smiles, says hello, introducing himself as he reaches out his hand – "Hi, I'm G."
You think it's weird who uses their initial as a name? You shake his hand, and for some reason, you ask him if he was meditating, and he smiles again, nods yes, and for some reason, you start talking about God, which by the way, is who the guy is connecting with during meditation. You know you should be looking for a new seat, but since it is a dream, what do you have to lose? You tell him that although you believe in God, you are not religious; he nods his head and says - "the same with me."
The guy talks about his blog and his recently published book. You talk for the entire hour and twenty-minute ride. As you pull into Union Station in DC, he pulls out a copy of his book, writes a note on the cover page, and signs it, handing the book to you and saying "enjoyed talking with you, here is a copy of my book featuring The Finding God On The Train Story, maybe it will be of some use with your spiritual journey." You thank him, reminding yourself it is a dream, and shove it into your bag.
You feel compelled to open the book and read the note when you get to the office. As you read it, tears come to your eyes; it says simply – "You are not alone!"
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