Quest For A Positive, Personal,
And Contemplative Spirituality
We are each a distinct, unique, succinct
expression of life – a leaf, a petal,
a magnificent wonder birthed
in a moment to flourish and
shine – a vestige of a creative force,
budding and blooming, reaching out
to fuse its original destiny.
In this presence, we singularly grasp
the torch of all existence surging forward
with our Soul’s strength to forge our
desired contribution, etching upon this
eternity a lasting wonder – a flash
of beauty upon the retina of all existence.
Knowing all of this is a perfect moment,
never forgotten or erased. Instead, an
essential note in the symphony of
this perfect being, forever pushing and
encouraging each tone, hereafter, to
reach for timbre yet unheard of –
unimagined – reframing the sonorous
song of perpetual becoming.
POEM BY G. 2.24.2013
This Divine message, in its infancy, continued to unfold in the early part of 2008, with what I would later understand to be the foundation of all the messages that would follow – the Crystal Path, the Heartlight, which we have already discussed, and finally a focus on enlightenment defined in the guidance as the attainment of genuine, authentic life. At first, the enlightenment message was focused on developing what I believe to be the essence of “Enlightenment” – reaching God-consciousness through developing a direct connection with God. However, as the years have progressed, the message or meaning of enlightenment has expanded beyond a Divine connection, entailing living an authentic, purposeful, or fuller life with a workable blend of spirituality and practicality.
Life often comes to a matter of semantics, and I have been vacillating on whether the descriptor “genuine” or “authentic,” or both, best describes what I am attempting to convey in the Crystal Path message. As a descriptor, “authentic” is starting to vie for celebrity, almost cliché, status, while “genuine” seems somewhat forgotten and rarely expressed. As you probably have noticed, I have opted to use both: for example, “genuine, authentic,” or “genuinely authentic,” or an “authentic, genuine nature,” or with the use of a dash, as in my favorite; “genuine – authentic.” I would like to republish an excerpt from a post titled The Genuine You that addresses this problem and hopefully expresses what I am attempting to convey.
As I am typing this, I am thinking about how I prefer the word “genuine” to “authentic.” The word genuine – often defined as:
truly what something is said to be authentic:
(of a person, emotion, or action) sincere.
I need to define authenticity. The word authentic is defined as:
of undisputed origin; genuine: made or done
in the traditional or original: based on facts;
accurate or reliable.
Genuine just feels stronger than authentic to me, seeming to have more gravitas. In human, behavioral terms, I would add to the “genuine” definition - someone's original intent for existence here on earth. What someone is "designed to be,” not what they have to be, are told to be, or what others think they should be, but what they were “designed" to be - their original intent for existence here on earth. And often, certainly not what they turn out to be.
Note that my added definition uses the phrase “designed to be,” we might also say “created to be,” “meant to be,” or “preordained to be,” that is, decided or determined beforehand. The definition of genuine listed above starts with the word “truly,” which adds to the concrete, actual, tangible nature of the “to be.” Let’s think of this as the “genotype,” the genetic constitution of an individual organism. What the organism is born with. In a spiritual sense, we could apply this to the individual’s Divine self.
Authentic, by definition, is of the origin that is genuine - but can then be made or done like the original, based on the original, and even be factual or accurate. Here, continuing with my genetic analogy, authentic seems similar, to me, to the genetic “phenotype,” built on an individual's set of observable characteristics resulting from the interaction of its genotype with the environment; or, in our case, we might say - the Divine Self with the reality of life.
With this framework in place, I would suggest that we can be both genuine and authentic when we realize and acknowledge what we were designed to be. We authenticate our original natures via our interaction with the environment based on this foundation. The revised descriptor, I would propose, clarifies our spiritual strivings for, and the potential attainment of, a level that would be considered – genuinely authentic. In other words, the Divine plan for you, God’s plan, melded with your plan for yourself, resulting in genuine, authentic existence.
Often, spiritual teachers seem to focus on our calling, what God created us and intended us to be. I do believe this calling does exist and is at the heart of what I would consider our “genuine, soul-based, purpose or nature.” I believe God is constantly working to steer us towards our genuine mission. Yet, I have little doubt God realizes that “fate and will” are both active in human development: fully aware most “willful” human beings, if they do discover their genuine calling, would incorporate their wants, needs, desires, and plans, thus formulating a hybrid calling, one that is both genuine and authentic - incorporating their “genuine calling,” with their individual “human, authentic, calling.”
As the Affirmative Thought below suggests, being genuine does require opening yourself up and taking a look within, and it requires that we work counter to our cultural training and put ourselves first in this case. I am not saying here that you should let the kids starve as you jet off to a monastery in Tibet. I am saying that being genuine is a significant step in our understanding of ourselves, our purpose, and our spiritual journey.
Open yourself up today to who you are,
what you want, and the path you desire to
follow - reaching for a place of true balance
and equilibrium found in the authentic,
the honest pursuit of your dreams, your vision
of heaven on earth.
Open yourself up today to the clarity of
purpose within you that urges you to live
for you and not for others, the purpose that
says, “you must make yourself happy before
you can inspire happiness in others,”
the purpose within you that knows when you
move towards it or away from the target
of your desires.
Open yourself up today to the genuine you,
the only “you” you should aspire to –
the “you” you were created to become –
the “you” who extends you, excites you,
and vibrates the essence of the successful –
fulfilled – magnificent you.
AT BY G. 6.15.2012
So, based on this paradigm, I will proceed by using both genuine and authentic as descriptors for what I will offer as Facet Seven of the Crystal Path: Living a Genuine - Authentic Life. I realize that some readers will consider this redundancy, exclaiming that the use of "authentic" alone would suffice. I guess this comes down to a matter of semantics, and I hope you would allow me, by doing this, to remind us all that spiritual authenticity involves understanding our genuine, God-created natures.
The Finding God On The Train Story blog post below, titled Genuine - Authentic Life = Enlightened Life, introduced blog readers to an expanded definition of this aspect of enlightenment, referred to as the attainment of a “genuine, authentic life,” which we learn, requires our progression through a clearly defined series of spiritual and physical realizations. This expanded definition would also further clarify the Crystal Path, along with the steps needed to progress towards the attainment of heaven on earth, often used in my guidance to describe the end state of full enlightenment.
This blog discussion focused on living a “Genuine - Authentic Life,” a life where our spiritual self blends with our physical self to move progressively towards enlightenment. When we live a Genuine - Authentic Life, we receive all we are destined to receive from both our physical and spiritual lives - actualizing both. Since most of us have families, jobs, and related commitments, leading a Genuine - Authentic Life allows us to be spiritual, even enlightened, without retreating from life. Connecting with God as we live, work, and strive.
As I spend the week further clarifying Genuine – Authentic Life - what I think is the essence of my message from God - I would like to share the following meditation guidance I received, which is focused on living a Genuine- Authentic Life. It is a bit long, but it clarifies this concept. Let me know what you think.
Enlightenment is living a genuine - authentic life, where
your Spiritual or Divine Self is fully aligned and merged
with your physical self – divine and secular – spiritual
and physical - moving in unison and perfect harmony –
total self-actualization.
Genuine – authentic – enlightened life – recognizes
your spiritual destiny and your earthbound form destiny –
maximizing the full potential of life and resulting in joy,
peace, love, and happiness – heaven on earth –
Genuine - authentic life requires a series of steps or
levels – best considered as facets of consciousness to
be obtained, with the first being the control of your
consciousness – control of your mind through right
thinking – reframing the ego to quiet the negativity,
doubt, worry, and fear, through belief and positive
The second facet is being centered in the “now,”
the present – mindful – leaving the images and night-
mares of the past behind while avoiding the “what if”
of future living.
Only in this “nowfulness” are you fully alive, aware,
and connected to your true self. This experience of now
is direct and clear and allows you to connect with God,
who can only exist in the present.
As you progress, the next facet is to realize God-
Consciousness – the Divinity within you that is connected
to God. This is our Soul, our Divine Self, and is the portal
to communicate with God.
Through the Divine Self, you become aware of your
spiritual purpose in life – your mission in a spiritual
sense. As you discover this mission and become more
aware – your God-Consciousness becomes more powerful –
you reflect your true God nature – as you see God within
all things – especially yourself and the events around you.
God-Consciousness will impact you as you relate to all
existence with loving kindness – the true essence of God.
You will apply this most when moving to the stage of
forgiveness – forgiving yourself and others – moving
forward in love, even for those who have hurt you most,
and as a result, let go of the past, freeing your life from
anger, resentment, hatred, and contempt.
Next, as you progress, you will clarify what you want
from both your spiritual and physical existence.
Clarification of your wants will assist you in obtaining
an authentic, genuine life. This clarification is the major
step towards purposeful action – living fully aligned with
who you want to be, what you want to do, and the path
you are willing to take to get there – living with purpose.
In the pursuit of purposeful action, you will learn
to marshal your mind, Soul, and self to actively
cocreate with God to create the world, you wish to live
in and inhabit. You will need to refine and develop your
belief system – to believe in your ability to create miracles
and cocreate your life.
This path to discovery – what may be called the Crystal
Path – a path to spiritual and life enlightenment will be
traversed, and you will begin to glow with the full light
of enlightenment, as you progress towards your genuine -
authentic life – a life fully alive in God and living. Here
is where joy, peace, love, happiness, and oneness reside –
true heaven on earth.
NOE BY G. 11.8.2010 9:30 AM
Let’s take a moment to digest what is being said in this blog post and the meditation guidance featured. As we will see shortly, if we had no other guidance but this one post, we would have virtually the entire guidelines needed to traverse the Crystal Path, which is defined here as a path to spiritual and life enlightenment. Thus, it enables us to live a genuine life—experiencing joy, peace, love, and happiness—our true heaven on earth.
Those seekers who have already been on their path to enlightenment will recognize each of these facets of consciousness—they are not new, and in fact, many books have been written to address each separately. I find this guidance unique, useful, and refreshing because it fully incorporates these often disjointed aspects of spiritual and life development into a constructive paradigm, a model that we can understand and follow if desired.
Below, I have listed the “Seven Facets of Consciousness on the Crystal Path,” taking each level separately and discussing it in more depth, offering related Meditation Guidance, Affirmative Thoughts, and Finding God On The Train Story blog posts that clarify and amplify each facet where appropriate while providing a flavor of what is to come later. For those who wish to more fully understand the message or wish to incorporate it in their own spiritual approach, I will be focusing the remainder of this book, as well as the subsequent books, on providing detailed and in-depth guidance on fully incorporating each facet of consciousness to be illuminated or achieved on the Crystal Path.
Control of consciousness - mind control through right
thinking - reframing the ego to quiet the negativity, doubt,
worry, and fear – through belief and positive thought.
The message I have received from God during my commutes on the train constantly stresses and reinforces the need for mind control – the control of our consciousness. Daily effort to fully understand this facet is essential to both our physical and spiritual well-being. Who would have ever guessed that the majority of our spiritual work would involve controlling and marshaling our thoughts? One would think that our minds would be a ready ally and lead us in the proper direction. But, in reality, it is the opposite, with the mind easily taking us into the negative, promoting our fears, doubts, and insecurities.
Mastering Facet One - Control Of Consciousness, conveyed by the message I have received on the train, as the first step on our road to genuine, authentic, enlightened life, clearly requires a controlled mind focused productively through positive thought, affirmations, visioning, and constant diligence when thinking; thus, eliminating, or at least taming our negative consciousness. The Meditation Guidance below, titled appropriately Negative Consciousness, is the Divine response I received to a question regarding what can be done on a personal level to manage this negative aspect of consciousness. The note below conveys what is at stake for both our physical and spiritual well-being.
What can we do to manage our negative consciousness
that permeates our awareness, stifling our lives and
our attainment of joy, peace, love, and happiness?
The truth is that this all-pervasive or dark consciousness –
thought to be ego-based, but often appears to have greater
strength at times – severely limits our lives, turning our days
into barrages of false thinking, disempowering thoughts
rehashed fears and, for some, a continual dialogue of distress.
We can only imagine what life would be like with a fully
cooperative mind. Still, through constant diligence, faith, and
mind control, we can tame and nullify this dark consciousness,
replacing it with an affirmative consciousness that encourages,
flatters and reinforces, instilling confidence and love.
Our spiritual life mission is to harness the negative
consciousness and quiet it – redirecting it to focus
on the pursuit of heaven on earth. This requires a constant
awareness of what we are thinking, the insertion of our
authentic mission, and the use of our mind control tools,
provided by the wise throughout time.
Assess where you are now, determining how much
of your thinking is negative, dark, and disempowering.
Work to reframe and increase the positive consciousness
within you.
NOE BY G. 8.26.2012 9:50 AM
As you know, or will quickly realize, when you do your assessment as suggested above, this level of mind control and control of consciousness is a significant undertaking, requiring a thorough understanding of what is currently occurring and what needs to be changed. Much of the message of the Finding God On The Train Story's message is directed towards gaining control of negative consciousness and redirecting our thoughts in a positive, constructive manner.
Facet One of the Crystal Path will be handled at length in Part Three of the Finding God On The Train Story, aptly titled Mind Control—The Control Of Consciousness. This section focuses in-depth on mind control and offers a thorough handling of the subject, including an extensive review of practical and useable mind control techniques and approaches that you will be able to apply immediately. The Affirmative thought below emphasizes that we have the power to transform our consciousness.
The power to transform your life resides in your mind -
your consciousness - forming your thoughts, attitudes,
and perceptions to exist in unison with your Divine
purpose and all of existence.
The power to transform your life exists within your belief -
in your ability to master the mental chaos - give it order and
purpose, leading it to the promised land waiting for you
to arrive.
The power to transform your life is created by your desire
to touch the truth of all existence - to immerse yourself in
its splendor and appear again reborn - over and over and
over again.
Seize the power!
AT BY G. 6.11.2011
The most disturbing aspect of achieving Facet One is that our minds are often creating “needless” stress, tension, and anxiety by telling us daily we are not OK, not good enough - we need to change, improve, or give up completely before we get any worse. The truth is - that we are OK, and instead of listening to the negative banter, we need to get to the root of this turmoil by controlling our minds. I wrote the Affirmative Thought below, titled - You Are OK - after waking up to my own mind working me over for what I was doing or not doing. When I fully listened to the urgent voices in my head, I realized the critique was based on a series of totally implausible worst-case scenarios. I said, enough! Got up and wrote this note to remind me and anyone else who may need it that - WE ARE ALL OK!
Your life is OK, even if your mind tells you it isn’t –
like a child in the dark, your mind reacts
to every creak or strange noise, even when,
especially when all is well, safe, and comfortably
flowing to your intended destination.
You are OK, even if your mind tells you, you are not –
like critical parents who demand that you live up
to their expectation of unfounded and unfathomable
perfection – often chiding constantly for failure
to meet a standard that was neither sensible
or plausible – while providing little or no recognition
for a life truly well lived.
Your Soul is OK, even if your mind tells you it isn’t –
like a Puritan of old, it encumbers you with thoughts
of sin, shame, and guilt - reminding you of the penalties
and punishments: when all that exists is God’s grace,
understanding, and forgiveness.
Today, remind your mind that you’re OK, and enjoy the day!
AT BY G. 7.28.2012
Buddha, after years of struggling with, and finally obtaining, mind control - what he considered a major component of Nirvana, or enlightenment - taught that the only devil, or Mara, we needed to overcome was rooted in our very own minds. Constant practice and training are necessary to get our minds to obey our conscious and spiritual wills, and when accomplished, enables us to overcome the antics of the uncontrolled mind.
In truth, why should the slow progress of the evolutionary development of our brains hold us back? If a vast number of us were to all learn the art of mind control and transform our lives, some scientists would say that by doing so, we would inspire the actual genetic shift needed to enable us to evolve and develop a newly supportive brain. As previously noted above, the upcoming Part Three of this book focused on mind control - the control of consciousness will strive to offer a comprehensive working guide to help readers fully understand and hopefully master this facet of consciousness and, if not capable of stirring an actual evolution, will at least help readers make a personal transformation.
The next facet of Crystal Path consciousness features expanding “mindfulness” in our day-to-day and spiritual lives. So the next stop, Facet Two – Mindfulness, represents an essential element of effective mind control.
Being centered in the “now” – the present – mindful –
leaving the images and nightmares of the past behind,
while avoiding the “what if” of future living. Fully alive in
“nowfulness” where God resides.
Mindfulness has been at the center of my meditation guidance during my years of connecting with God on the train. God repeatedly nudged, encouraged, and finally directed me to understand the importance of focusing on the present to quiet my mind and nullify the demands of my ego. Early in 2008, I started to receive guidance focused on Facet Two—Mindfulness.
Live in and within the moment – this exact moment
is life – moving the ego away, experiencing the natural
joy and fullness of life. Take in the fragrance, see the
connections, and understand the order.
Today, these moments are the essential ingredients
of life. At this moment, now, you are fully conscious and
act and live without mental restraints.
Try to limit thinking about the past or the requirements
of the future. Respond only to the action or topic at hand,
and respond from your whole being.
Take back the wheel of the car that you have given
to the ego. Live in pure action – action, based only
on the requirements of this now.
NOE BY G. 4.14.2008 7:30 AM
The guidance instructs us that being focused on the “now,” not only helps us manage the turmoil in our minds but is the clear pathway to God since God only actually exists in the now, the present.
Cherish this moment – for this moment is your life and
should be approached with love and joy. Now, this breath,
the set of sensory cues – these emotions – awake – tired –
whatever – it is a moment of pure life that needs to be
fully lived.
Breathe in the full breath of life and feel God at the core.
This is the miracle of life, and you are experiencing
the miracle.
Cherish the opportunity to be fully alive and lay down
the worries and concerns. Look at the burden as the
payment for the pleasure of this amazing existence.
Move into the moment and shut down the chatter –
the banter – of your mind.
The world is full of richness – manifested by life
through God. Dive into the manifestation – swallow
the experience and know you are blessed. This full
measure of life is a creation of God in humankind –
the perfect manifestation of life from life evolving
and progressing.
Cherish the moment; it is your life.
NOE BY G. 8.6.2008 8:00 AM
Life can be found only in the present moment. The past is
gone, the future is not yet here, and if we do not go back to
ourselves in the present moment, we cannot be in touch
with life. Thich Nhat Hanh
I have learned there is no better technique to find peace and mental quiet than to focus on my breathing and intently engage in what I am doing in the present. As conveyed in the quote above by Thich Nhat Hanh, Zen Buddhist Monk and popular author of You Are Here, who has translated this key Buddhist concept, which stresses the focus on the breath and the clearing of the mind to accomplish living in the present moment. Adopted by New Thought and taken worldwide by Eckhart Tolle in his books The Power of Now and The New Earth.
Today is our day – it does not belong to the thoughts
and worries of tomorrow or next week – it does
not belong to the could have been, the might
have been, or the should have been of the past –
it belongs to us now – to cherish – to enjoy –
to fully live.
Today is an empty canvas – let us come to it with
clean brushes and fresh paint.
Let us enjoy and live each moment robustly –
all out - thanking God for each breath
along the way.
Let us live Now!
Living in the present, the now - is the second facet of consciousness required for attaining a genuine, authentic, purposeful life filled with joy, peace, love, and happiness, heaven on earth. To master Facet Two, we must resist our ego’s natural inclination to have us live in the past - where we can be reminded of past mistakes or focus on the future and the potential negative scenarios waiting around the corner.
We will explore the concept of mindfulness in our upcoming discussion of mind control approaches and techniques. This will offer guidance for fully understanding and mastering mindfulness in our daily and spiritual lives. For now, let’s move to the next stop, Facet Three.
Realize God-Consciousness – the Divinity within that is
connected to God. This is the Soul or Divine Self, the portal
to communication with God. Through the Divine Self, we
become aware of our spiritual purpose or mission in life.
Within us now is all the wisdom we seek –
all the compassion possible to feel –
all the wonder anyone could wish to experience –
all the magic waiting to be performed –
every miracle bursting forth into life.
Within us now is all eternity –
the past, the present, the future –
the potential moment –
the vision of heaven on earth –
the suffering with its lessons waiting to be revealed –
our Soul – our God – our magnificence.
Within us now is all existence, flexing
its creative muscles – urging us on
to our purpose, our destiny –
saying yes even when we say no –
cajoling us forward with arms outstretched
to catch us with each tentative step
we harness the courage to take.
The foundation message of Finding God On The Train Story has centered on our personal capacity to connect with God directly via our internal Divinity. This Divinity within is often referred to as our Crystal Self or Divine Self in the message; it is also referenced by more traditional terms, such as the Soul. This Crystal/Divine Self, or Soul, is both of God and us simultaneously, joining in one being, combining both our spiritual and human consciousness.
We understand this internal God nature by using our Crystal Self as the portal of communication with God, thus becoming more aware of our spiritual purpose in life; that is, our mission in a spiritual sense. We share more of our consciousness with God as this grows, becoming more powerful on a personal and spiritual basis, reflecting our true God natures, seeing God within all things, exhibiting the qualities of God as we understand them, and enhancing our ability to create our life through God, previously referred to as cocreating.
Let’s take a look at the Meditation Guidance to get a sense of what is being conveyed by the message. But, first, I would like to share the guidance below titled, God, Waits In The BackRoom, a message I received in the summer of 2008, during this first year of my revelation.
You seek God in the wrong places. You search for the
connection in the external – and move back into the internal.
God waits for you in the splendid mansion of your
conscious Soul – waiting in the back room. Move through
the distractions of the gold and silver, sparkling trinkets
of each room, moving to the small room where God waits.
This is your God – the living God that lives within each
living spirit – God waits and will wait until you arrive.
God in the backroom knows the illusions and desires
of life are enticing and difficult to reject. God wants you
to have them all and more but wants you to understand
the source of this abundance. God wants you to have
all life, as full and as rich as you can embody. Put on
the fine clothes and jewelry, eat the abundant foods,
lavish in the pleasures of form, but remember these
will fade – grow stale – rot and fall away. Left in the
end as a pile on the side of the road.
The only connection with the Spirit of God – the connection
with you as God - will enable you to find pure joy. Only
by meeting God in the backroom – making your way
through the mansion, will you meet God face-to-face,
one spirit. As you turn the knob on the backroom door
where God waits and opens into the pure joy of oneness -
you will stand frozen and alive at the moment as you
meet the waiting God – who is you?
NOE BY G. 7.16.2008 10:10 AM
As I remember, I was on vacation when I transcribed this note during a meditation overlooking the New River in Virginia. As I recorded each word, I thought of this God figure who sat in this metaphorical backroom, maybe sipping coffee, reading worn magazines, like a character in an old movie, just waiting patiently. It was a comforting thought until the last line, which I resisted writing because it sounded so bizarre and weird. Based on this final phrase - “you meet the waiting God who is you” - I never used this note in any of my posts or book examples, never showed it to Ann, I just let it sit and wait in the backroom. Such are the complications with receiving Divinely inspired messages.
Today, as I write this chapter, I release this note held for over four years, as I finally arrive at a point where I understand its meaning and do not take offense with the suggestion that I am the God I meet in the backroom. I realize now the note was not referring to a physical appearance or a personality but instead to an evolved spirituality that I would have most certainly obtained if I was truly prepared to enter the back room and finally meet my true Divinity. Similar to describing how to ride a bike, this guidance seems more complicated than the experience:
- We tap into our Divinity within, which then provides a portal to expanded God-Consciousness.
- We connect to this consciousness or spiritual center and ask for guidance.
- We discover our genuine, authentic purpose.
Using my experience as an example, which was fully outlined in Part One of the book, all I did to connect with my Divinity within was meditate and ask for guidance. I made a connection with God, recording the guidance when received in my journals. Once I made a connection, there was an outpouring of guidance.
The mechanics of this connection are not the difficult aspect of Facet Three—God Consciousness—or any of the other facets presented here—what is difficult is making room for it in our lives. It takes time and constant effort to make this connection with God-Consciousness through our Divinity. Our egos will most certainly get in the way if they can sniff out any doubt or lack of confidence on our part.
I am planning what will be Part Four of the Finding God On The Train Story – to be titled God Consciousness And The Divinity Within. This final part of the Finding God On The Train Story blog book will focus on God - Consciousness and its relationship to our internal Divinity, providing an in-depth discussion of both Facet Three and upcoming Facet Four – the incorporation of true God qualities. The final chapters of this book will actively work to enhance the clarity of this facet – as we each reach to obtain our own heaven on earth.
Exhibit the true essence of God by adopting the qualities of
God, including loving-kindness, forgiveness, and freeing
life from anger, resentment, hatred, and contempt.
As we progress on the Crystal Path, discovering our true God natures, we are expected to adopt or emulate some of the qualities most recognized as God-like, including compassion, empathy, loving-kindness, and forgiveness. We are also expected to master the control of our passions and emotions, such as anger, resentment, envy, hatred, or contempt. Let us touch on some of the most obvious God qualities, as outlined in the following blog post.
What if humankind is still in the process of evolution, where the focus is no longer on physical development but instead is centered on the refinement and improvement of our level of personal consciousness? Taking this a step further, what if our next evolutionary thrust is a movement towards overcoming our ego dominance and attaining what some would call – God-like qualities – including love, kindness, compassion, a collective sense of oneness, and empathy? And what if, along with this evolutionary thrust towards better being, was the expectation that we, both individually and collectively, are to hone the powers to cocreate our lives freely through conscious intention, supported by our access to our Divine natures? In other words, we are to evolve into our true God natures.
The Meditation Guidance below, titled True God Qualities, addresses this potential, clearly outlining the rationale for this evolutionary step and highlighting what qualities we might expect to encounter. This is a concept that has been addressed by others, as noted by the work of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - a Jesuit Father and distinguished paleontologist who, over sixty years ago, addressed this very theory in his landmark work The Phenomenon Of Man. My guidance seems to echo the same sentiments. Is it plausible? Is this where the current spiritual awakening is leading us? I believe this is the case. Your thoughts?
We are here to assume our true God qualities and
powers by overcoming our propensity for negative
thought, neglect, hopelessness, and evil by marshaling
our Divine wills towards greater achievements, genuine -
authentic living, peak spiritual experience, and our
connection with God – refueling our potential to live
beyond the illusion of material pleasure, grasping
the greater good of collective consciousness.
We are here to transcend - to transform beyond our
infantile focus on the acquisition of pleasure and the
avoidance of pain – to reach a pinnacle of human
excellence and evolution, ensuring our God's powers
and qualities are recognized and grasped by those
who wish to go on growing, becoming, moving
towards their genuine, authentic natures.
We are here to create heaven on earth - not hell,
as it appears, many are engaged with today – our
conscious focus as a collective humankind on this
Heaven allows us to move forward, grow, and
assume our true birthright – our genuine, authentic
God nature of power – cocreation – and love in
balance - all supported by positive, purposeful action.
Although many have careened in the opposite
direction, there are a growing number of those who
have grasped this message, who are moving in this
Divine direction – working hard to prepare themselves,
consciously, for the catharsis of heaven-focused living.
NOE BY G. 1.15.2012 7:50 AM
This Meditation Guidance above also touches on other critical qualities of God that we need to strive to possess to reach our heaven on earth: being selfless - stripping away our personal desires and marshaling our ego; being empathetic - seeing our face in every face of all we encounter, knowing all life is worthy of love, and experiencing unity – the oneness and connectivity of all existence. As the guidance reveals, much of God’s essence is based on God’s inherent ability to love without regard or restraint. In Chapter Eight, More Heaven On Earth – Finding Love and Happiness, we will discuss “Love” in greater depth and how it relates to obtaining heaven on earth or enlightenment. Also, in Part Four, focused on God-consciousness and the Divinity within, we will continue to expand on these God-like qualities.
Based on the guidance I have received – creativity - the ability to create via force of will, or better put, by force of aligned consciousness, is a key element of God that is miraculously included within human nature. At the center of positive spirituality is the act of creativity – the ability to use our minds to create tangible life – physical form. It is at the heart of the creative process that we most resemble God. Each day, we all live our own Genesis creation story - utilizing our gift of creative energy for our growth or, at times, our hardship.
The creative energy of God is within you – surrounds you –
radiates from you - infusing you with the creative powers
of the universal mind. Simply tap this power by going
within, connecting to its source - then feel the surge
of perfect thought – alive within every cell of your being –
feel the connection to all that is, becoming one with
the creative force within you.
All creativity is at your fingertips, ready to be harnessed
by your consciousness – open the canvas and create
the life of your dreams – heaven on earth – outlining
the knowledge or guidance you wish to convey. There
can be no wrong, no missteps since you are all creative
energy – just trust in the source of the signal and move
forward. There is no failure in this creative action –
it is the work of God – the Divine calling – the building
and form of what is at first thought and then becomes
All you create comes from the Source – is one with Source –
an expression of God through you – wake up to it – use
it to light the path to oneness, to wholeness, to the
connection with God.
The ability to cocreate with God is at the very essence of the message of the Finding God On The Train Story, the subject of numerous meditation notes like the one above and others we explored in our discussion on the Perspectives of God in Chapter Five - The Foundation. Let’s move on with consideration of the next facet of consciousness, Facet Five – Clarify Intentions, which is a key ingredient for any cocreative enterprise.
To clarify our intentions – what we want from both our
spiritual and physical existence; thus, living with purpose
or purposeful action – a life fully aligned with who we want
to be and what we want to do.
I spent the early part of my professional career as the Director Of Career Services with the Temple University Career Development Center, providing career and employment counseling for students and alumni. An important element of career planning is having the client complete a values clarification exercise to determine what they truly want and value: for example, financial security, assisting others, the opportunity to travel, job security, creativity, and autonomy, to name a few preferences. Likewise, Facet Five asks us to determine our intentions - what we truly want from both our secular and spiritual existence.
Living a “purposeful life” or “genuine - authentic life,” one that mirrors your Divine and secular callings, often starts with clarifying your intentions through focused meditation. For example, in the Meditative Guidance below, titled Clarifying Your Intentions, I am asked about my intentions and how I have thought them through.
Clarify your intentions – what is it you want to accomplish?
What do you want to come from this? Know that moving
forward will take risks on your part, requiring dedication
to the task and commitment to the goal. Clear and
well-thought-out intentions will guide you and motivate
you, along the way.
Are you the teacher, are you the messenger, or, are you
a spiritual explorer diving into the mystery of the
metaphysical world to understand its vastness – its
potential for human growth? Or, are you all three;
messenger, teacher, and spiritual explorer all
combined in one individual effort.
The path is open and has been laid out for you, but you
will need to be thoroughly committed to the plan.
Prepare yourself for the challenges of this engagement –
of this effort. Take time to build strength, find peace,
meditate, and practice. Do not try to please all aspects
of your life, but keep them in balance through focused
Focus on your personal life and keep connected and
actively participating. Let the calm you feel erase
whatever stress you have and be a tool for moving
Know the destination and the journey is easy.
Clarify your alternatives and move forward with
confidence and joy.
NOE BY G. 2.18.2010 8:05 AM
This guidance lays the foundation for clarifying intentions. The key question is, " What do you want to accomplish?” The follow-up is,” Are you willing to take the necessary risks?”
I believe a key element of attracting what you want from the universe is declaring your intention(s) to the world rather than keeping your intention(s) secret until fully conceived. My blog offered a public venue for declaring my intention to write this book long before the actual writing was underway. We often avoid this declaration of intentions for fear of negative feedback that will stall our progress, which is a legitimate concern. In my case, I did not run and tell those who would not understand but chose a medium that would broadcast it to those who would be my potential audience and find it useful. The guidance that follows instructs us clearly - to declare our intentions.
Declare your intentions to the world, giving form
to your dreams, your visions, your plans to create
a fuller life.
Declare your intentions to the world with passion –
with emotion, vibrating with the anticipated joy
of becoming new.
Declare your intentions to the world, pushing past
the alarms of your ego – the voices of the internal
naysayers - the chorus of “you are not ready –
maybe later.”
Declare your intentions to the world fully, envisioning
the result and breathing life into thought – creating
from pure desire.
Declare your intentions to the world and watch the
intentions take shape, take form, take life, and fly.
Declare your intentions to the world!
NOE BY G. 9.16.2010
Through purposeful action, marshal the mind, Soul,
and self to cocreate with God - creating the world
we wish to live in and inhabit, with full belief in our
ability to create miracles and cocreate our lives.
If you do not doubt in your heart but believe that
what you say will come to pass; it will be done for you. - Mark 11:23
We touched on this topic of cocreating with God in Chapter Three – New Thought Yesterday and Today, and later in the foundation perspectives of God, in Chapter Five, as well as the closing Note On Enlightenment of that chapter, titled Tangible Creation. The ability to cocreate with God is a key concept in Positive Spirituality/New Thought, known by a variety of labels, such as the Law of Mind Action, the Law of Cause and Effect, or much better known since The Secret was published, as the Law of Attraction. The basic concept is that our positive and negative thoughts are vibrational and attract into our lives in physical form, corresponding desires, wishes, or dreams.
Have you ever started your day thinking it was going to be a bad day, and this feeling was confirmed as you faced negative events all day? At work, this is the Law of Attraction, or cocreating with God. When you expect positive experiences, you get a positive life. However, focus on the negative, and you will also attract the negative into your life. The difficulty for humankind is that our minds are set biologically in survival mode, constantly looking for negative scenarios, and as a result, our thoughts are naturally negative.
From a positive spiritual perspective, this is a loving God giving you exactly what you ask for without question, no matter whether you realize it or not. Those who are aware of this law usually want to make their intentions clear to God so there is no confusion about what they want, need, or desire. First, they work to focus on positive thinking as a baseline. Second, they use prayer, meditation, affirmations, visioning, and similar techniques to attract major things or events they desire into their lives.
Facet Six entails actively working with God to manifest into physical form and your day-to-day reality, the life of your desires and dreams. But, the catch here is that you need to be emotionally aligned and ready to receive. If you don’t really believe that you can cocreate, you will not be ready to receive what God is ready to give, and nothing will happen. For me, it is often this doubt, with my ego, keeping my cocreating from working, especially if what I am asking is really beyond my current reality. The meditation guidance below focuses on building this power of belief.
Believe, and it will be true – it will be created – manifested
into full form – full life. Simply believe. Belief is a full
alignment of your focus and vibration – of your energy –
your creative Soul energy - and takes a tremendous act
of clarity and focus. Belief requires that competing
forces in your mind and Soul do not question but fully
support the effort – totally – completely.
Otherwise, “doubt” splits the focus like a wedge,
impeding the movement to total belief. What is “doubt”
but the competing ego-driven voices of fear and insecurity?
The ego shouts – “how could this be true – how could
you move the mountain. You are crazy! You need help!”
It is your job, and in your self-interest, to re-indoctrinate
the ego – soothe it and retrain the voice in your head
to seek the safety of total belief, total clarity in pursuit
of the prize of enlightenment.
Utilize the ego, teaming with the ego in the pursuit
of full and total belief. Believe in yourself and your
capacity for cocreation – your capacity to harness
the power and create your heaven on earth.
NOE BY G. 11.7.2009 9:20 AM
The most difficult concept for those who encounter New Thought for the first time to comprehend and accept: is their innate ability to create their own lives. Many of us believe that forces outside of our control are creating our lives; and that these forces are far stronger than we are:
- Socio-economic class; financial position;
- Cultural background;
- Family connections;
- Inherited talents and abilities;
- God, Karma, or just plain luck.
Being responsible for the results of our efforts is not always the most comforting notion. But in my meditation notes, like the one listed below titled The Power To Create, I am constantly reminded that I have the power to create into form or experience what I hold in thought.
You have the power to create into form or experience,
any thought, dream, desire, emotion, or vision. You have
the innate capacity for cocreation through God, using
the Law of Attraction/Mind Action or any label you wish
to give it.
God has given each of us the capacity to create and
become what is held in thought. Clarity of thought is
essential for the development of the life you wish to
manifest. Negative thoughts will also attract negative
outcomes, so you must not focus on the reasons
why your dreams cannot be brought to life.
The Power to Create is ongoing, always working, and
never stops. Practice focusing and training your mind
to create a need, desire, or want. Watch how the world
will deliver this wish. Focus your mind on the desired
result you wish to manifest and prove the action.
This is the reason you must constantly inventory your
thoughts to ensure you are always thinking positive,
affirmative thoughts. If not, change the direction by
clearing your mind and focusing your breath until
your mind is clear. Then, start again, working to reset
your thoughts and clear the slate.
Test the power you have to create by focusing on
one unlikely positive wish and seeing if it manifests
into your reality. It will!
NOE BY G. 4.16.2010 7:20 AM
This is an extensive subject, really worthy of its own complete book. So let us understand the cocreative power, holding our discussion, for now, ending with the Affirmative Thought below, aptly referred to as Your Creation, which provides a fitting segue to the final facet of consciousness.
This is your time, your life, your moment –
live it today with authority and purpose
knowing that no one is better prepared
to make the most of this experience,
so trust your instincts, follow your hunches,
and listen to your own guidance.
This is your opportunity to soar and flourish,
to tackle the waiting tasks and projects
with renewed enthusiasm and clear intention,
moving all you do a step closer to closure
and completion – knowing you have the
power to create lasting success.
This is your creation, your chance to shine –
to fill your life and the lives of those who
depend on you, with clarity, a sense of
direction, and a refreshed vision of what
together, you can all seek to accomplish.
AT BY G. 7.16.2012
Continue to traverse the Crystal Path to Spiritual
and life enlightenment - progressing to an Authentic Life –
a life fully alive in both God and living – experiencing joy,
peace, love, and happiness – true heaven on earth.
We now find ourselves at the seventh and final facet of consciousness, on the path to our spiritual and life enlightenment – the Crystal Path, a path to the discovery of positive spirituality, where if we are successful, we have a life fully alive in God and living – true heaven on earth. What I find so positive about this approach to spirituality is that it requires our complete attention to succeed, mixing equal measures of heaven and earth to create its enlightenment.
Whenever possible, I like to present the original guidance that introduced me to a phrase or concept, which would later turn out to be a major theme of the message of the Finding God On The Train Story. The Meditation Guidance below, titled Perfect, Genuine, Authentic Life, is from August 13, 2008, and is one of my first communications referring to an “authentic life.” As the note below conveys, I believe God is our coach and will do whatever is needed to help us achieve our perfect life if we are willing to participate and overcome our fears, doubts, and negative life patterns keeping us from creating our heaven on earth.
The note tells us that my genuine – authentic, purposeful life; the life I was designed to live and would reveal my true potential - is tied to communicating the message from the Finding God On The Train Story as outlined by my initial revelations in Chapter Five, The Foundation. It is important to note when I was originally given this mission, there was very little actually existing to communicate. But God has been true to the coaching promise, assisting with expanding my understanding and vision, as needed, to grow with the project, keeping the material coming so I would have something to convey.
I also feel God has indirectly provided financial support over the past ten-plus years so I could have time to finish what I have started without struggling. My life has evolved and expanded as I have been empowered, broadened, and educated. Although I am grateful, there have been rare moments when I have wished I had been napping rather than meditating on the train.
As a creation of God, you are able to obtain a Perfect Life.
The qualities of God exist within you, and the potential
for God's perfection is your essence and birthright.
A perfect Life is a genuine - authentic life. It is the life you
were designed to live the life that will reveal your full
potential. Perfect Life exists and is within your grasp
if you reveal the true message – the guidance that leads
you to this existence.
Listen to your inner voice – your Divine Soul and understand
where it is calling you. Where you are now, maybe close
or not, but do not despair. The movement toward perfect,
genuine, authentic life is a force that will prepare the way
if you let it. Listen and understand.
Frustration, anxiety, and despair are all indications you
are on the wrong path or need adjustment. All you need
to do is stop resisting, take in the lesson, and understand
what is lacking. Look towards your joy or excitement.
Envision the perfect life – role-play - dream and let
these expressions reveal it to you.
You are on the road to your perfect, genuine, authentic life.
Move in this direction, and prepare when needed. Be honest
and willing to risk what is needed – be willing to work and
Work with the divinity within you to reveal your destiny.
NOE BY G. 8.13.2008 8:00 AM
A key to living a genuinely authentic and purposeful life is finding meaning in our lives. I believe, on both a spiritual and human plane, life is a quest for meaning—a search for purpose—an answer to the “why” of existence. In the end, this answer is a catalyst for infusing a sense of mission into living. This meaning and the resulting mission allow us to obtain the most from life.
As a young business professional, I was introduced to a form of corporate goal setting known as Management By Objectives – M.B.O.’s - which, on an annual basis, reflected what we would do personally and as a team to accomplish our corporate goals, which, in turn, reflected, the organization’s mission and vision. Now, most competitive organizations clearly follow some sort of goal-setting process. Since clarity of goals is essential for all purposeful action, I am proposing we all establish L.B.O.’s – Life By Objectives, setting up clear operational life goals based on our purpose and mission to ensure we attain a genuine - authentic - purposeful Life.
Life without meaning is like taking a journey without
a destination; it is pointless because you will never know
if you have arrived. Knowing where you are going and why
you want to go is essential to a purposeful life.
Infusing meaning and purpose into your existence
breathes energy and power into your life.
Evolving this purpose into a “mission” –
a strategic plan for living, one that you live
with passion, dedication, and complete focus,
is the true elixir of life.
This strategic plan, mission, or quest will enable you
to get the maximum from life, providing you with joy
and happiness from just living.
This meaning and mission can be spiritual or life-driven –
when both are blended, the power of your commitment
will enable you to move mountains – cocreate and manifest
all you need to succeed. Finding meaning and creating
a mission to lead the way – will also provide you
the feedback needed to adjust your efforts.
An authentic, purposeful life is built on establishing
a mission infused with meaning, passion, and desire –
a mission beyond yourself, but of yourself.
NOE BY G. 11.11.2010 7:00 AM
Meaning and mission make up the Seventh Facet of Consciousness on the Crystal Path, based on purposeful action, as outlined by the note below.
In every moment – every thought – every action – do it with
purpose – with intention – fully connected to your strengths,
your divine guidance, your wisdom.
Each action carries with it a vibration into the world – rippling
across time – across humanity – rebounding and colliding with
similar vibrations until they combine into a wave - a forward
motion of forceful – powerful – impactful action – setting off
further vibrations and changing the world and all humanity.
Purposeful action is genuine and authentic, powered by a love
for yourself and love for others. This is cocreated action –
teamed with God to become full creation – manifested and real.
These actions have power – substance and are totally real.
Each day look at your actions and the motivations behind
them, reflecting on the origin. Do they come from your desire
or the desire of others? Are they meaningful and purposeful
or shallow or just for the pleasure of others – fulfilling their
wishes and not your own?
Today, make every action magnificent, personal, and fully
purposeful – connected to the clear vitality of your Divinity.
NOE BY G. 2.17.2010 8:10 AM
Genuine and authentic purposeful action is really accomplished by living a purposeful life, which I believe is your “genuine/authentic life” focused on both your Divine/Spiritual Calling as well as your secular. The title of the guidance below states it more clearly – Follow Your Heart – your God-connected heart. This calling is not always easy, but it is authentic and will put you into alignment with the flow of universal forces, taking you downstream, as Ester Hick’s Abraham would reference it. Let us meditate on whether we are following our hearts, thus living a genuine, authentic, purposeful life.
Follow your heart and become who you are meant to become –
the genuine you, the authentic you – the you who waits for a
turn to be. Know that all your life has been moving to this
point, this destiny. Take the step and walk to the edge, and
you will find, through your efforts and God’s assistance,
there is a bridge forming to carry you to the next life.
You are afraid – afraid of having no money – no job –
no means - so you linger and wait. But what do you really
have, if you gain the world and lose yourself? No one
else can make this choice – no one else can take this risk,
and in the end, no one else can reap the rewards. Laugh
at your fear, and believe it will be so, and it will be so.
Look again at the fear of losing it all – love –respect –
money – family – but is this possible? Do you continue
to live a life for them and not for you? Let yourself take
a moment, prepare, and then find your way to your
destiny that waits for your courage and belief.
NOE BY G. 2.9.2010 7:45 AM
The Seventh Facet Of Consciousness on The Crystal Path – Living A Genuine - Authentic, Purposeful Life is a new life where we live in perfect harmony by actualizing both our spiritual and physical natures through connection and cocreation with God. This “New Life” does not require escape to an ashram or monastery or the desert but allows us to attend to our families, jobs, and related commitments while obtaining joy, peace, love, happiness, and ultimately enlightenment. The Affirmative Thought below tilted Genuine - Authentic Life – New Life, summarizes this message.
All of life is as it should be, a blend of perfect harmony -
clear intentions resulting in purposeful actions
all leading to our Genuine - Authentic Life –
our New Life – our heaven on earth.
New Life fueled by our love and kindness -
set in motion for ourselves, our loved ones
and all we meet, enabling us to grow in God
and experience true joy, peace, love, and happiness.
Genuine - Authentic Life – New Life focuses our attention
and enables us to reach for the most from
every moment – the enjoyment of every action –
bliss in every breath – peak experience in every event.
All life is powered by our creation.
AT BY G. 11.10.2010
This New Life, this Genuine - Authentic, Purposeful Life, enables us to reach for the most from every moment, have enjoyment in every action, bliss in every breath, and peak experience in every event. Living a Genuine - Authentic, Purposeful Life is defined as enlightenment. The closing Affirmative Thought in this section explains why the light is the centerpiece of enlightenment.
Today, let us reveal the “light” in enlightenment and
understand its source and how to sustain
it throughout our lives, this year, and this day we are
now living.
Today, let us use the light – bright from seeing the world
without the illusion of fear, doubt, and worry -
without a focus on the past or concern for the future –
the light unencumbered and uninterrupted.
Today let us unveil the Divine light within ourselves -
God’s light was given to us at conception to brighten
the path and lead us to our destination of oneness with
God’s love – trusting in God’s place in our lives.
Today, let us realize that light is powered by our ability
to love – without judgment – without
expectations – brightening our lives and those of
humankind – providing light for all who need
to see the path to full, genuine, authentic
life in God – true enlightenment.
AT BY G. Not Dated
As we consider each of the Seven Facets of Consciousness comprising the Crystal Path, I think it is essential to fully recognize this path is not a simple checklist but is something that requires diligence and active participation. I feel that in this paradigm, each level signifies a progression or continuum of heightened awareness. I am working on each of the seven facets simultaneously, intending to reach my intended point of expertise for each. I have no timetable or set of deadlines; most of the time, I feel I am progressing, occasionally backsliding, but for the most part, always on the path. And when I lose my way, often my guidance is directed towards shaking me up and getting me back on the path.
Being on the path opens me, the seeker in this case, to a vast range of emotions, especially when I think I am keeping my side of the bargain, but there seems to be no contact on the other side. The blog post offered below provides an excellent description of what I mean by this, offering, as well, a forward-thinking wrap–up to our discussion of the Seven Facets of the Crystal Path, along with this introductory discussion of the foundation of enlightenment.
My life is centered around connecting with God, recording this divinely inspired guidance, sharing it on my media sites, and, when appropriate incorporating it into the book rolling out on my blog. As with all seekers, there are times when the “still small voice” is silent, and I have learned to take it in stride, looking for inspiration elsewhere, except when the silence lasts too long, in my opinion.
I have experienced such a meditation guidance dry spell in the past few weeks. I started wondering - if this is it, have I, in the past ten-plus years, received all that I was intended to receive? Day after day, I prayed and meditated, but no still small voice, just silence. Last night, before going to sleep, I prayed and asked if there was more, is there a next step, a next level that I should be focusing on - perhaps book number two? A very timid and respectful “what’s up” with the silence.
This morning, as I started to meditate, the first sentence of the guidance below came to me, over and over, in a louder and firmer voice than usual - “be the enlightenment you wish to see in the world.” The words kept coming, line after line, so after ten minutes, I ended the meditation and began transcribing what I heard in my head into my journal, resulting in the guidance below titled Spiritual Activism.
After rereading and reflecting on this guidance, I believe this message is pointing to the next step on the Crystal Path, a challenge for me, and possibly all of us, to step out of the theoretical zone, moving beyond the comfort zone, into true spiritual activism. I believe God is clearly indicating that since I have been given the message, now it is the time for me to live the message. What are your thoughts?
Be the enlightenment you wish to see in the world,
be heaven on earth, demonstrate and be the joy, peace,
love, and happiness; intangible living form – be the
hands and feet of God in the pursuit of spiritual
transformation – change the consciousness by being
the consciousness you desire to manifest through
the world.
Be the enlightenment and actively step out of one
significant step at a time, to be joy in the world,
creating joy, exhibiting joy, overcoming someone
with a sense of joy, being in each action the joy you
wish to bring to the world. Create joy.
Be the enlightenment, by finding your peace within,
as you work to establish peace in your home, with your
family, in your community – pushing the world – your
world, into peace through being a living example
of peace. Create peace by committing to at least one
peaceful action per day.
Be the enlightenment you wish to see in the world,
the heaven on earth, by loving without bounds,
without limits, through tangible acts of love and
kindness, broaden a smile into a gesture of love,
make room for loving yourself, committing to
spreading it to others, knowing you are
connected to all you see – love as God loves without
qualification or expectation. Create love.
Be the enlightenment in action – in thought, word,
and deed until the happiness you seek is the
happiness you give. Let others know the source
of your happiness, the bliss of a life formed in faith
and connected with God, let them know that God
wants them to be happy by creating happiness for
others who are struggling or need assistance.
Create happiness.
Be a spiritual activist, moving the concept of heaven
on earth, into the reality of heaven on earth, for the
world you inhabit – for your life and the lives of those
around you - reaching out beyond to all who would
benefit from your efforts.
Create heaven on earth for all!
NOE BY G. 5.2.2012 7:17 AM
There is so much for us to learn on the Crystal Path, but for me, a key lesson is presented in the note below, titled Wordless Form, reminding us it is not about the words. It is about the feelings of love, confidence, strength, security, patience, and kindness. Again, it is not cerebral; it is visceral. It is not about doing; it is about inspiration – what we can create from pure feelings will assist us with obtaining our genuine, authentic selves.
Wordless form – formless life energy vibrating feelings –
founded in wonder, splendor, and the love of God.
It is not about words; it is about feelings – feelings
of love, confidence, strength, security, patience,
kindness – feelings cannot be expressed in words.
How do you feel now – are you at peace? Are you
secure? Are you anxious, wanting to get along with
the day? The day is not an endless set of tasks. It is
simply time to be lived and enjoyed. Stop and do
nothing; watch your ego taunt you into action,
push you onward. Listen to your ego remind you
of your commitments – your to-do list – what is next.
You must move away from duty and move into
inspiration – what you can create from pure feeling.
This is not a contest; it is a process of becoming your
genuine, authentic self, the self of your dreams,
the self of your Soul. Work on asking yourself how
you feel – not what is required – not what is on
the schedule.
Creation – creating Divine love through action
takes time. Give yourself the gift of time. Address
your fears and open your heart, knowing your fears
will not come to life. Learn to imagine what you would
like to accomplish and become and move forward
alive in God.
NOE BY G. 8.4.2010 9:55 AM
As we discussed, affirmations are positive statements announcing to God, the Universal Mind, and to our subconscious mind how we view the world and what we expect to occur during the day or in our lives. It is a powerful way to use the Law of Mind Action, or Attraction, to frame our reality and set positive expectations. As we traverse the Crystal Path, we must be able to learn easily. Here is an affirmation to assist us.
I affirm and establish now that I easily, completely, and fully
comprehend and learn any skill, process, instruction, theory,
or body of knowledge, whether learned through practice,
experience or documentation, and when desired, I am able
to fully recall and utilize for my educational, professional,
and or personal development.
And as we learn, here is an affirmation to ensure all we learn is remembered and recalled easily.
I remember everything I hear, see, or experience and
can easily recall when needed. I am especially good at
remembering names, faces, cell numbers, directions,
instructions, and passwords.
I remember every word, phrase, and concept I read,
and when desired, I am able to recall every word
I have ever read, heard, or written.
As we get ready to move on with our spiritual quest, I would like to close this Chapter with the following Affirmative Thought, which defines what we need to accomplish.
Today, let us strive to become who we are
and what we are as spiritual beings
having a physical life – learning to blend our
Divine destiny with our daily life –
blending and actualizing both.
Today, let us comprehend that to achieve
joy, peace, love, and happiness
we must be fully who our Divine selves
and our egos wish us to be –
know we should be – push us to be.
Today, let us live this dual mission working
to realize both spiritual and
worldly success is required to obtain
our heaven on earth.
Today, let us feed both our Souls and
our egos working with both
for our greater good.
AT BY G. 8.8.2008
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