Sometimes, I am directed back to something
I missed in my quest or possibly knew but
may have forgotten or overlooked.
As a person who suffers from chronic back pain,
resulting from my Lumbar Reconstruction
in 2010, I had what is called a Lumbar
Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) procedure
yesterday, where with the use of some very
advanced technology, my pain management
specialists are able to use radiofrequency energy
to disrupt nerve function, so the nerve can no
longer transmit pain. The pain management
team calls it a burn, referring to burning
away the pain-producing nerve for a year
or more.
A few weeks back, I had the right side of my
lumbar spine treated, and since it significantly
reduced my pain on the right side, I was back
in an operating room with my pain management
team having the left side done.
Ann, who sat patiently, but hungry, waiting
during the procedure in the room where I had
been prepped – having had delayed eating lunch
so we could eat together after the procedure,
since I am required to fast for at least six hours
before the treatment.
Ann has been with me through three related
procedures leading up to this, two to determine
if this RFA concept would even work. After about
an hour, with the RFA procedure, completed,
I returned to recovery and after another hour,
Ann was driving me to Cracker Barrel for our
very late lunch, and later driving me home.
Ann made sure I was comfortable at home,
since she had to return to work.
Although we have Direct TV Sunday Ticket,
our internet has been very slow, so I switched
my internet service to Comcast and had them
install their fastest internet. Bundled with
the internet service for a nominal charge was
the ability to connect one TV to Infinity
programming. So I switched my office TV
at home to Infinity. After a review of the options,
I decided to subscribe to what I feel is a New
Thought-oriented channel offered by Infinity
called GAIA TV, which offers a plethora
of spiritual programs and related movies.
Still a bit groggy from my procedure's calming
medication, I decided to watch something on
my GAIA spiritual channel. I selected a highlighted
movie from around 2011 titled I AM, The Shift
Is About To Hit The Fan produced by Tom
Shadyac, a famed filmmaker of movies like Bruce
Almighty, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Liar Liar,
The Nutty Professor outlining his quest for sanity
in his own life, especially after a serious cycling
concussion, which underscored for him the need
to radically reconceive his life. Below I offer the
You Tube version of The Trailer for the movie.
Now you may be thinking, hey G., what is
the point. Well, Shadyac, in the film, decides
to make a visit to the Institute Of HeartMath
located in Boulder, Colorado, whose electro-
physiology lab has revealed that our EDG
(heart rhythm) physically changes as our
emotions change. Shadyac admitted in a
later interview that he thought the HeartMath
Institute would be too far out, ending up a
quick visit. Instead, it becomes a major part
of the film’s content
As I am watching the movie, I am thinking
that this is too familiar, as I remember that
over ten years ago, during one of my train
commutes, I read a book tiled The Intelligent
Heart - Transform Your Life with the Laws
of Love, by David McArthur and his father
Bruce McArthur, who were now on the screen
outlining their research on how the heart
rhythmically responds to our positive emotions
such as love, compassion, kindness – sending
a message to the brain and the body of these
emotional shifts.
As with positive emotions, negative ones like
anger, hatred, intolerance, despair, etc. also
are communicated. Based on this research,
the heart is often the first responder, not
the brain, as the heart, at the same time sends
an external wavelength communicating these
emotional shifts to the world.
What the HeartMath research is conveying,
is it that it is quite possible our hearts are at the
center of our emotions rather than our intellect.
Expressing that we are constructed to share and
react to the emotions of others via our hearts
Last night, as Ann and I would tear up, and
our chests would heave at the latest fortune or
misfortune on The Hallmark Channel’s series
When Calls The Heart, I had finally convinced
Ann to binge-watch with me, even though she
thought it might be too sad.
I turned to her and said tearfully, this is what
the HeartMath research is pointing to our built
in heart-centered, compassionate, and empathetic
response to experiencing joy, or the suffering
of others. As Ann wiped away her tears, she rolled
her eyes saying; thanks!
I replied that I thought programs like this touch
our hearts, helping humanity strengthen their
heart muscled based compassion, this loving
response so needed in this modern age.
Ann still has her doubts, but she agreed to
keep watching.
So this morning, while meditating on my back
deck, I received the following inspiring guidance
titled Heart Awareness. This sort of follow-up,
I believe this happens whenever the original spiritual
communication needs some reinforcing – just to
make sure I have not missed “the arranged”
point of it all.
Our hearts, the heart is the center of all emotion,
it is the mind of our feeling life, always beating
a rhythm, circulating the fertile blood and nutrients
of our beingness, expressing what is being felt, or
even about to be felt, within our feelingness,
communicating throughout the body and mind,
as it signals out to the surrounding consciousness,
a heartlight connection, an expression, able to be
clearly perceived by others.
Our hearts are beacons of our soul based emotional
expression, acutely attuned to the feeling and life
experience of those around us, connected to us,
throughout the world. As others experience joy
and elation, so too do we share the same rhythmic
expression, as others suffer, we, too, share in this
Our hearts are our genetic centers of life
connected to our truly evolutionary essence,
leading us to our true survival law – the law of
compassion, empathy, kindness, connectedness –
the realization that through love, we together
as a humanity, a cohort, a community, a nation,
a world, a universe having the innate biological
framework to step beyond our differences, our
intolerances, our false thinking, and feelings,
embracing that we are hardwired for well-being,
flourishing, love, and contentment – not just
on an individual basis but on a collective basis.
Work to strengthen this heart-centered gift,
to evolve personally and as you do collectively –
living by the heart’s rhythms – its grace –
its innate wisdom.
NOE BY G. 8.3.2107 9.32 AM
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