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prevail – prove more powerful than
opposing forces; be victorious.
Determination, I believe, is the creative
force of our human existence: the ability
to prevail, to prove more powerful
than the opposing forces – be they fate,
nature, lethargy, inner self-doubt, fear,
the opposition of others – well meaning
or just plain malicious.
I don’t really believe in, or give much
credence to, purposeful supernatural
negative forces, such as a devil, but
I do believe in counter forces, that
every action, positive or negative,
is often met with an opposing action,
as life itself resists change and adaptation.
We, humankind, are the rare natural
agents for change and creation within
current existence, other than entropy,
which is built into the natural system.
So, how do we prevail? The note below
suggests it is with persistence, with our
sights fixed on the goal - this goal fully
imagined and shaped in our thinking,
then held in thought with belief until it,
through our efforts or otherwise, attracts
and creates and forms its likeness.
The waves of life at times may pound us,
disrupting our forward progress, thwarting
our planned momentum, yet if we persist
to venture onward with our sights fixed on
the goal – refusing to give up or give in –
persistence will prevail.
A thought held firm and not relinquished,
will outlast even a steady torrent of ill
fortune: if believed and held as truth
in prayer – so let us tend and grow
our strong intentions - sure in our
All that is sure and worthy – our hopes,
dreams and pursuits may find their
form in our imaginings, shaped in our
thinking - held true in our believing,
attracted by our creating – until even
the winds of outrageous fortune fail
to impede our steady endeavors.
AT G. 2.25.2015